Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Bi ·hop and 11Jan JJ'ho Bapti:-:eil Him

raphers in the country. It is sym- bolic of both Bishop Buddy's name and the diocese to which he is as- signed. . There are six horizontal stripes of the Borrnmeo court of arms, St. Charles Borromeo being Bishop Buddy's baptismal patron. A gold lion on a green background sents the arms of the Farrell fam1lY, to which the bishop's mother be- longed. The crest also contains an olia, or stewpot, the symbol_ of. San Diego (Saint Didicus) to md1cate his boundless charity, and three nails in memory of the Christ. The new bishop's motto is "In Consilio Sanctorum" (in the Assem·- bly of the Saints) and is taken froi:i the Scripture verse, "God, who JS glorified in the assembly of the Saints." Born on Feast Day. Bishop Buddy comes from the diocese of st. Joseph, in the prov- ince of St. Louis. He was born on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The diocese of San Diego is in the prov;nce of Los Angeles. Hence the appropriateness of the motto. . At the close of the consecration service, Bishop Buddy bestowed _his blessing upon the assemblage, first upon .the clergy, then upon his rela- tives and lastly upon the congrega- tion. The consecration was followed by a dinner in the crystal room of Hotel Robidoux at which Bishop Buddy was ho~t to the visiting clergymen. _____ .., ____

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man of Peoria, Ill.; Bishop August J. Schwertner of Wichita, and the Most Rev. Christian H. Winkelman, auxiliary bishop of St. Louis. The Rt. Rev. Martin Veth, 0. S. B., abbot of St. Benedict's Abbey at Atchison, Kan., and the Rt. Rev. Phillip Ruggle, O. S. B., abbot of Conception Abbey, also were pres- ent. Coat of Arms. The coat or arms of the new bishop, wrought in red, gold and green, was especially designed by Pierre Chaignon La Rose of Cam- den, Mass., one of the best iconog-

The Oldest ancl the Youngest

-Xcws-Fre~s Slaff Photograph.

Most Rev. C. F. Buddl•, Ph. D, D. D. biRhop of San Diego, photo- graphed this morning by M. P. Habecker, News-Press staff photog- rapher. Standing with the new bishop is a well-known figure in Catholic circles in northwest Missouri. He is Father Basil, O. S. B., from the Benedictine Abbey at Conception, Mo. Father Basil bap- tized Falher Buddy forty-nine years ago.

Arch of Swords.

Through their sword-made arch walked the bishops, also in red, and each accompanied by the two sur- pliced chaplains. Lastly came Archbishop Glennon, Bishop Buddy and Bishop LeBlond. Both Arch- bishop Glennon and Bishop Le- Blond wore their ermine caps and trained vestment that befits their station. Mo:c than 100 repres entatives of religious orders for women were present in the church. They, with the majority of those in the proces- sion, occupied more than half of the scats in the church. Parishioners and friends of the new bishop oc- cupied the other pe,vs and crowdcc: into the back of the church, many standing through the entire service which lasted for th1·ec hours. Policemen and firemen assisted the church ushers in handling the crowd and the whole service moved with becoming order and dignity. Many Prelates Present. Among the hierarchy attending the consecration were Archbishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles, who will be Bishop Buddy's su- perior in bis new field, and Arch- bishop James P. Murray of St. Paul. The bishops attending included: Bishop Thomas F. Lillis, senior bishop of the United States, who was consecrated as a bishop about thirty-five years ago; Bishop "\,Vil- liam L. Adrian of Nashville, Tenn.; Bishop Henry Althoff of Belleville, Ill.; Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona of Grand Island, Neb.; Bishop James A. Griffin of Springfield, Ill; Bishop Louis B. Kucera of Lincoln, Neb.; Bishop Francis M. Kelly of \Vinona; Bishop Robert E. Lucey of Ama- rillo, Texas; Bishop William D. O'Brien nf Chicago, president of the Catholic Church Extension Society; Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly of Scranton, Pa.; Bishop Joseph E. Ritter of Indianapolis: Bishop Henry P. Rohlman of Da,·enport. Iowa; Bishop James H. Ryan of Omaha; Bishop Joseph H. Schlar-

Tabernacle in Red, Gold. I On the main altar the tabernacle was draped in red and gold and there were many poinsettia plants and ferns for further decoration. The thrnne of his excellency, the Ar

-Xe\l's-Press Staff, Here a!"e the two extremes in years of service in the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the United States-the oldest and the youngest archbishops in seniority. To the left is Archbishop John J. Glennon of the province of St. Louis, to the right Archbishop John J. Cant- well of the province of Los Angeles. Archbishop Glennon has been an archbishop since 1903, longer even than America·s three cardinals. Archbishop Cantwell was made an archbishop Dec. 2, last. The St. Louis prelate has been a bishop since 1896, the Los Angeles prelate since 1917.

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