Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


NEW PROVINCE DIGNITARIES TO GIVE WELCOME Bi ·hop Buddy To Be Accom- panied to S.D. by St. Jo- seph Prelate, Friends MASS OFFICERS 1 AMED I Many dignitaries of the Chmch arc expected in San Diego Febru- ary 3 for the installation of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. First Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, by the committee of clergy headed by the Rt . Rev. Msgr. Joh11 M. Hegarty, V. F .. who are in charge of the preparations for the. event that is loolced upon by Ca- tholics here as the greatest thing to happen in the Southland since the coming to San Diego of Fra Junipcro Serra. With the exception of Archbish- op Mitty of San Francisco, who is on his way to the Eucharistic Con- gress, the California prelates wilt all be in attendance. ArchbishoI, John J. Cantwell, D.D., of Lo.;; Angeles will preside at the Solemn Installation Mass and preach the sermon. Another California pre- late, the Most Rev. Philip G. Scher of the Monterey-Fresno Diocese, will be represented on the speakers' program at the luncheon for the clergy following the cere- monies. The Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, Bishop of Tucson, whose diocese is also included in the new Pro- vince of Los Angeles, will like- wise speak at the clergy luncheon, as will the Most Rev. Rubert Le Blond, Bishop of St. Joseph. Mo., and Archbishop Cantwell. Mon- signor Hegarty will act as toast- master at the luncheon. The Solemn High Ma:os will be celebrated by the Most Rev. Charle Francis Buddy with the Rev. William J. Casey of st. Dida- cus parjsh and the Rev. Charles Loftus of st. John's pa1ish as dea- con and sub-deacon. Masters of ceremonJcs will include the Rev . M. J. O'Connor and the Rev. Dan- iel O'Doooughne. Other priests o'. the city will a ct as chapl2,ins t o visiting dignit;aries, names of whom will be given lp.ter. Beautifully engraved \nvltations I tearing the new coat of arms of the Diocese of San Diego were j "ent out by the priests of the San \ Diego diocese. 'They were worded I as follows: \

Presents Purse

At of Bishop Le Blond's remarks, Mr. Corby said: I "Your Excellency, with the pride and satisfaction which we all feel in the high honor that our wise I mother, the Church, has bestowed upon one so deserving, we who have been spiritually and materi- ally enriched by your labors amongst us wish to show our love and affection for your in present- ing YOU this purse, made up of the loving onations, large and small. of your grateful friends." Bishop Buddy Responds j Bishop Buddy, in cassock and ferriola, the civic attire of hi., new office, spoke. He was deeply 1 affected and as he responded tearp bedimmed the eyes of many ad- miring friends, as well as his own. "I thought I could handle this situation." he said, '·but only your great loving hearts can know the emotions that fill my heart." He did not trust himself to trp and express his gratitude and love but wished the whole world could have heard this tribute of loyalty and affection, so typical of the spirit of St. Joseph. Bishop Buddy then paid a trib- ute to his old friend and legal ad- viser, Col. John D. Neely, who, on Bishop Buddy's recommendation assisted many a person in trouble' He thanked Doctor Morton for his tribute to the Buddy family, both those present and those de- parted. His devoted friend. Fred Karr, who aided him in his cafeteria and whose counsel rendered dis- tinguished service in the carry- ing on of this work, was next men- tioned. He also thanked Chair- man Joseph E. Corby, his life- long and devoted friend. for the interest he took in the reception, and for his advice and counsel, received through his many years of the priesthood in St. Joseph. He thanked Bishop Le Blond for his presence at the reception, remarking that his kindness and encouragement helped him great- ly when word came from Rome like a challenge that he was to be made a Bishop. He thanked St. Joseph's Mayor, Phil J. Welch, whom he said was a progressive executive. Bishop Buddy spoke of his labors in St. Joseph as being only half done; in fact, he said, the surface had just been scratched. "Much that could be done has been left un- done," he said, "for I must go into other fields." Bishop Buddy paid tribute to those associated with him in thr County Court, Welfare Board and Community Chest, devoting their time to the care of the poor. He encouraged them to continue in caring for the poor, for as the poet, Goldsmith, says: the close

Ill fares the land To hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, And men decay; Princes and lords May flourish or may fade;

NEW PRELATE Blesses llzunble lr 1 ors1,ipers

But a bold, peasantry, Their country's pride, When once destroyed, Can never be supplied.

Bishop Buddy warned against the "red flame'' of Communism wt.ich has spread in Mexico, Rus-1 sia and now in Spain, and cau- tioned his audience against the doctrine being spread in our own country. He referr~d to the twenty-one years of his associa- tion with the people and sa\d: "The love of my heart and my prayers at the altar will always be with the people of St. Joseph." He also referred to the large num- ber of people present, showing their love and affection. for him which caused him to realize tha~ he is not leaving them in sorrow but this one time he is leavin~ with joy in his heart. In conclusion, Bishop Buddy said: "I will not say farewell but in the language o,f the old Angl~ Saxon, 'Good-bye-God be with you.' God be with you-in life and in death. Good-bye!" Mr. Corby then' presented to Bishop Buddy ·a white enameled gilt-edged booklet faced with gold, which contained the names of all those who donated to the Bishop Buddy Fund. He was also handed a band draft whi<;h rep- resented the purse collected for him. ' On the inside of tb,e cover was engraved his coat of arms and the following: To His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, DJ). Bishop of San Diego, California St. Joseph, Mo. Dec. 27,1936

I ,

BISHOP C. F. BUDDY Center of Celebration


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