Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

PUBLIC RECEPTION FOR BISHOP BUDDY WILL BE DEC. 27 Civic Affair at Central High I School to Be in Nature of Farewell. CATHEDRAL PARISH WILL I PRESENT GIFT OF PURSE Mayor Phil J. Welch Will Be Among Speakers at Function. A civic reception in the nature of a farewell is to be held Dec. 27 for Bishop-elect Cha!'les F. Buddy of the San Diego, Cal., diocese. The reception will be at 3 o'clock that afternoon at the auditorium of the new Centtal High School. Mayor Phil J. Welch, Bishop C. H. LeBlond, Col. John D. McNeely, Joseph K Corby, Fred Karr and Dr. Daniel Morton will speak at the reception, and the bishop-elect, who then VI-ill be bishop, will re- spond, Gift From Parish. Mr. Corby wlll preside and will present Father Buddy with a purse, the gift of the people of St. Jos- eph's Cathedral parish, of which he ls now rector. Mr. Corby is chairman of the committee that is raising the purse through subscrip- tions by the parishioners. Mayor Welch, who eight months ago named Father Buddy _to t~e city board of health, will gwe his address in behalf cf ~he people of st. Joseph and in recognition of Father Buddy's work as a p-..ibllc se1·vant, Colonel McNeely 1s scheduled to speak in behalf of the Catholics ?f the city, while Doctor Morton will speak for the non-Catholics of St. Joseph, Tribute From Bishop LeBiond, Bishop LeBlond, who has been Father Buddy's immediate superior here, will pay tribute to Father Buddv fot his service~ to the church, while Mr. Kan- will speak in 1·egard to the priest's work along charitable Jines, particularly in the opening and operation of St, Vin- cent's cafeteria for the poor. Following the speeches the au- dience will be invited to come to the stage and meet the new bishop. Father Buddy is to be conse- crated aa bishop at 9:30 o'clock the mornin~ of Dec. 21 at the Cathe- dral. He will be consecrated by the Most Rev. Amleto Qcognan!, archbishop of Laodicia and aposto- lic delegate to thr United States. Reception for :Papal Delegate. Bishop LeBiond will be the first c?- consecrator, while Bishop Francis J. Monaghan, D. D., of Ogden>r burg, N. Y., '\\ill be the other C?· consecrator. Bishop Monaghan 1s a classmate of Father Buddy. Arch- bishop John J. Glennon will give the sermon. A reception for the apostolic dele- gate will be held at 3 o'clock the afternoon of Dec. 20 at the Cathe- dral. Father Buddy "ill lease for Diego in mid-January. San I


BISHOP BUDDY GUEST AT MT. ST, SCHOLASTICA ATCHI8OX, Kans.-(l:lpeeial.) - A gu('st of l\Iount l:lt. Bcbolastica for the hist time before bis dep:,irture for San lJicgo, the Most Rev. Charles 1:<'. Dud- cly, long associated with the iustitu- 1 iou as friend, commencement speak- er, and retreat ma;;.ter, i:.pent the fore- uoon of Saturday, Jan. !i. at the con- ' ent and <:ollege.•U eight o·ciock t.hc newly conseerated prelate celebrat•~d :uas:; in the convent chapel. Subse- quently be wa;; honored at a farewell JJrogram prc~ented by college any BatL te. The academy ·horns then ga,e "Earth Below ls Teeming" ( A. Cappella) by Haydn. "Petitions for Bishop llud


Photographs l>y Shultz. The Verv Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop-elect of San Diego, Cal., will be honored Dec. 27 at a civic re- ception at which the above men will be speakers. They are top row, left to right, Bishop C. H. Le- Blond and Mayor Phil J, Welch; second row, Dr. Daniel Morton and Joseph E. Corby, and lower row, Col. John D. McNeely and Fred Karr. The reception will be at 3 o'clock that afternoon at the au- I ditorium of the new Central High I School.

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