Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


Bishop Buddy Is Honored in East . On Ev of Trip Organization and Groups Hold Many Receptions For Departing Prelate In testimony of their love and good wishes for the prelate whom they looked upon as a citizen in- spired with unusual gifts. the highest ideals of community serv- ice, a gentleman of grace and charm, a scholar of high and va-- ried attainment and a preacher of power and persuasivene~.s. Cath- olic and non-Catholic organiza- tions, groups and institutions are filling the last few days of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Charles Francis Bud- dy's stay in his native state of Missouri with a succession of af- fairs in his honor. Following the c1v1c t'€ccplion held in the high school auditorium in st. Joseph, Mo., a number of afd'airs have been reported jn- cluding the following: ATCHISON, Kan.-A guest of Mount St. Scholastica for the last time before his departure for San Diego, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, long associated with the institution as friend, commence- ment speaker and retreat master, spent the forenoon of Saturday, Jan. 9, at the convent and college. At 8 o'clock the newly consecrated prelate celebrated Mass in the convent chapel. The college seniors were the guests of the school at a j breakfast with Bishop Buddy, I STALLATION AT SAN DIEGO , Accompaying Bishop Buddy Sunday I morning over the Rock Island route to San Diego will be Most Rev. C. H. LP Blond, D.D.. Right Rev. J. P. Brady, Rev. Li>o Ruggle, Rev. C. Marosz, Rev. / Patrick O'Connor, Right Rev. Abbot Ruggle, Rev. Augustine i'.\IcNeill of Mo- berly, Rev. Charles No\\'land, Very I Rev. ::\1. J. O'Farri>II of Leavenworth, I and Very RP\'. Paul Waldrnn. St. Co-' lumbans. Neb. Others in th/> party will be: Mrs. Cecile Dandurant, Miss Anne Elizabeth Dandurant of St. ::\Iary's College, Notre Dame, Ind.; :Mrs. Daniel J. Redmond, Laurelton. Long Island, N. Y.; Mrs. Pauline Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. 1\1. P. Lawler, ..\Ir. aud :\Irs. John A. :\fcGee, Dr. and ..\irs. H. Will Elders. 11iss I ::\Iartha Kennedy, ..\Ir. and }1rs. John J. Goodrich and son, John, and :\frs. :\Iary Imrnenshue. A grnup from 8t. Louis will include: Dr. and ::\frs. E. P. I3uddy, Dr. and ::\Irs. H. J. Frein and daui:;hter, :\lary Ann; :\!rs. Carl Hambui>chen. ..\frs. Helen Schoelz. St. Joseph peopli> who left recently and will attend the ceremony are: ..\Iiss ..\Iary Conroy, Miss ..\Iary Hick- man. Mrs. Grey Po,Yell. :\Ir. ·w. .J. Mc- Ginnis, :\Ir. and ::\Irs. J. ·w. CraYen, }Ir. and :\Ir . Ernest E. Chase, ::\frs. '-''· P. Snooks and clau1;hter Ann. GROUP TO ATTEND IN-

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BISHOP C. F. BUDDY DEPARTS SUNDAY FOR HIS NEW DIOCESE With mingled feelings of joy and sorrow. rhe parishioner~ of th!' Cathe- dral and citizens of St. Joseph say "good-bye" to the beloyecJ rector of St. Joseph'g Cathedral. He ]paves , unday morning on the Golden Rtatp Limited for his nPw See, San Diego •·eyer in the history of thP city ha,e such tributes and tokens of affection been bestowed on a St. Joseph 1iastor as Jrn,·e been paid Bishop Buddy. Coming from a diocese rich in tra- ditions, the names of ,,-hose piou ec- clesiastics haYe been written in the permanent history of their Church in .\merica, the St. Joseph Diocese rap- idly adYanced under the pioneer John Joseph Hogan, the missionary type; ::\laurice Fran is Burke. the scholar and cultured prelate; Francis Gilfil- lan, th!' educator and Saint. and Bish- op C. H. Le Blond, lhe nationally lrnown charity worker, 11 hose far- reaching charity extends to all classes and creeds, and who neYer refuses to promote their ,n,Jfare. these four dif- ferent types of prelates 11-ill sene the ni>,r Bishop as models. Born in the City of St. Joseph. Bish- op Buddy was ginn the baptismal namP or Charles Francis • Charles at'tPr his father and Saint Charles Borromeo, his father's Patrnn Raint, and Francis because he was born on Oct. I, thP Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. His Excellency goes to the \\'est well equipped to rule a diocese hallowell by the labors of Fra. Junl- pi>ro Serra and other Franciscan mis- sionaries. Bishop Buddy was educatPd by the :-;ons of St. John Baptist de la SallP, St. Benedict and St. Ignatius, three of the IPading Orders in the Church. He receil-ed his philosophical and theological training at till' ' orth ,\merican College in Rome, where he I assiduously delYed into the deeper· studieR of theology, in ,1·hich he at-J tained the highest degrees. As a stu- dent he often enjoyed the companion- ship of his fellow classmates on long ' 11alks. traver-ing roads the old Ro- mans trod. Familiar with Rome's im- ' !Jerial past. Bishop Buddy often stood / on ground anctified by the feet of I Christian martyrs, many of ,,·hom found their temporal resting place there in the sacred dust of the Cata- combs. He 1rns ordained in the Basilica dedicated under the patronage of t. John- the ..\!other Church of all the Catholic Churches of the world-on the feast day of St. Januarius and his companions. Apvoinred Bishop of the newly es tablished Diocese of San Diego on th~ eYe of St. Charles Borromeo, the re- no"'·ned Bishop and the patrnn of those who educate young students for the priesthood, he was con ecrated on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, the fpast commemorative of the wounds of Ji>sus and of the need of Faith- for Bi hop Buddy as a priest had serYed well as Director of the Dio- CPSP of the Pontifical Society for the Pro1iai:;ation of the Faith.

Choosing ror a motto. "Deus, qui I gJorificatur in Consilio Santorium" ("God. \\·ho is glorified in the as!'ns also grieYe, because they 11 il I miss his kindly, courteous manner and his charitable and zealous deeds. ,..\fay he be blessed with abundant health to work long and fruitfully in the portion of the Lord's 'Vineyard of I , which by God's grace and the favor of the Apo/-\tolic See he has been made the spiritual ruler. Ad multos Annos! De parture-Tomorrow at 6 o'clock Bishop Buddy will offer Mass in the Cathedral. With many devoted friPnds among both priests and people he will leave via the Rock Island at o'clock for Topeka where a special car will be entrained with the Golden State Lim- ited direct for San Diego. It was de- cided today at the Cathedral to delay the 8 o'clock }lass for five minutes permitting those who go to the Union Depot to return in time for the ..\fass.


To Assist At Cathed ral-The 1Iost Reverend C. H. Le Blond, D.D., Bishop of St. Joseph, arranged with Concep- tion Abbey during the past week for a/ Benedictini> Father to assist at the Cathedral during the next ten days, 'While some of the priests are attending the Installation of Bishop Buddy in San Diego. Al t ar Society Spiritual Bouquet-To 1 complete a spiritual bouquet to be pre- 1 sented to His Excellency. the ..\lost Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of an Diego, the ladies of St. Ann's Al- tar Society at the Cathedral will assist at the six o'clock 1fass Sunday and re-/ ceive Holy Communion. The Altar So- dety will hold ist regular meetlng j next Wednesday. February -!. in st. 1 Charles Hall.

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