Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

I he Resist.. Haa cw1 Service (lncludlnr Radioa aad Cabt..,, l Ito OYJl Special Service. Ali the SJD&llu Ca holic Servlc a, lntematlonal Illustrated Newa, and • , C. W. C. Picture Serv1c• National Edition Two Cents a Copy International ew• Service (Wire and Mall), the N. C. W. <'-

(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 10, 1937



GREAT THRONG1 WILL GREET BISHOP BUDDY 50,000 Expected at Open-Air Reception Sunday, Feb. 7-Installation to Be Held Next Wednesday San Diego, Calif.-(Special)-Installation of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy as first Bishop of San Diego, scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 3, in St. Joseph's Cathe- dral, will be followed by a great open-air program on Feb. 7 in which it is estimated as many as 50,000 people will participate. The installation will be attended by several members of the Hierarchy, more than 200 of the clergy, l a large number of religious from various orders, and civic officials. . _ . The installation Mass wil.J 8 tart I ganizations o_f the 1ioce~e will be I at 10 :30 o'clock, with the Most represented m a g1ganllc para~: Rev. John J. Cantwell, Archbishop from the e~s.t entr~nce of the park of Los Angeles, officiating and de- to the pavilion, with Judge pean livering the sermon. Music for Sherry as grand marshal. It ~s ex- the Mass will be furnished by pect~d th~t t~e crowd at this re- massed chofrs of all the parishes cept10~ will nval that present for of the city, under the direction of Catholic d_af, the first Sunday of the Rev. Matthias Lani. A string the expos1t_1~n, when 50,000 at- orchestra will accompany the choir tended a M1htl!-ry field Mass. in its rendition of an entirely new . Ge_neral chairman of the recep- Mass. A public-speaking system tion 1s 4,lbert V. Ma)'.e~hofer, K.C. will be installed in the Cathedral H.S., with Judge Willia~ J. 901- so that the music and sermon may la~·d as master ?f cere~10mes. Five- be heard by those who are unable mmute talks will be given by Mrs. to get in the church. A clergy There~a Stuckey for the. ,v:omen of luncheon at the El Cortez hotel the diocese, and by Wilham Ma- at 1 o'clock will be followed by a heady for tl}e men.. An address o~ I sight-seeing trip. welcome will be given by Mayor . _ . . Percy J. Benbough, and then, fol- l A great ~1vic reception honormg lowing an address by the Rt. Rev. the new Bishop has been planned Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.F., the , for the followmg Sunday, Fe~.. 7, response will be made by Bishop

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BELOW: NEWLY CONSECRATED- The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first Bishop of the newly-erected Dio- cese of San Diego, is shown accompanied by the Most 0 Rev. John ]. Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles, at the in- sta llation ceremonies in the Cathedral al San Diego.

I . !Lt 2 o'clock, at the organ pavilion m Balboa park. All of the lay or-

Buddy. Solemn Benediction will the massed choirs of the parishes again directed by Father Lani. conclude the program, with

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