Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

. Bisltop Buddy Is Given Farewell By Children oF sc


SEVENTY-THREE p ARISHES TAKE I PART IN PLANS Reception Program To Be Preceeded by Parade Of Organizations Each of the seventy- ~hree par- ishes in the new formed Dioce5e of San Diego will have a deleRa- tion of laymen present in Balboa Park Sunday, February 7, to aid in the civic reception and welcome to their new spiritual leader. the Most Rev. Bishop Charle:- Francis Buddy, according to Albert V . Mayrhofer, chairman of the lay committee. The reception program will be ,,cld a z u· luck a~ the , tll out doors organ ampitheate1 where the Altar used for Catholic Dar on the opening Sunday cf the Ex- position has bee;.1 replaced and is this week being redecora ted for the Benediction of the Blessed



dral Bells, Baptism; Convent Bells, First Communion; Roman Bells, Ordination and San Diego Mission Bells, Consecration. The bishop addressed the chil- dren and concluded with the words, "The mission bells have rung out for the first time their message of joy and hope. I have never seen anything mo1·e beauti- ful, nor has anything ever touched / me more deeply.''

What must have been one of the m.ast touching farewells given San Diego's new bishop during his final days in his native city, was that given last week by the chil- I dren of the convent of the Sacred Heart. where Bishop Charles Francis Buddy himself attended as a child in St. Joseph, Mo. Ma ss was celehrated by Bishop


The general committee appoint- ed by Monsignor John M. Hegar- I ty to arrange detp.ils for the re- ception includes: A. V. Mayrhofer,

K.C.H.S., general chairman; Frank Buddy in honor of st. Madeleine

secretary; I Sophie in thanksgiving for all the




Judge Dean Sherry, grand mar- the shal; Frank Drugan, George W. Religious of the Sacred Heart and Thompson, Joseph Kendall, Tom the children's general Commun- Collins, Royal A. Brown, city or- ion was offered for the bishop's ganist; John Morley, Park super- intentions. Bishop Buddy had intendent; Miss Mai·y Weitekamp, served as Altar boy at the church president Y. L. I.; Mrs. J. B. Mc- and made his first Communion Intosh, Catholic Daughters; Wil- ' there, so that the occasion must liam Mahedy, grand knight, have recalled many childhood Knights of Columbus; R. Winte::.., memories to him. president Y. M. I.; Garrick j Later in the morning a recep- ~•B~•ien, Third Order of St. Fran- f tion was held and a pageant en- c1s; Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, president, titled "El Camino Real" was pre- graces he received through



I National Catholic Women's Coun- cil; Dr. A. F . Willier, president, St. Vincent de Paul socie~y; Larry

sented by the children in a truly California setting, for they had prepared a stage setting of an adobe mission house with high bell towers on either side and an an abundance of palms and roses I about the stage. arched entrance covered with hanging vines and wisteria, and purse for the student of the convent, which, along with the good wishes and prayers oI the I students was presented in a beau- tifully worded address by their spokesman, who claimed for the children of the Hill Top school an active and loyal part by prayer in the great work along the King's j Highway about to be accomplished 1 Junipero Serra and other char- I actcrs in San Diego's histonca· sentation for Bishop Buddy and past took part in the school's pre- d His Excellency was greatly please · with it and with t e souvemr pro- gram presented him, which had for its cover a hand-painted pic- ture of a San Diego scene, and was tied with four bells bearing the Orders wen~ represented at the dinner and at the dinner and the fo!Iowing re- sponded eloquently to impromptu toasts: Very Reverend Maurice F. Connor, St. Joseph, the Rev- erend Edward J. Weisenberg, S. J. the Reverend Brocard A. Koehler o. Carm .. the Rrvcrcnci ,Jnstin Sion, O. S . B., :rnct the Reverend Thomas A. Lennan, U. S. A., who spoke on behalf of the Army and high calibered officers who man the Federal Naval Base at San Di- ego. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - Knights of · h significant inscriptions: Cathc- Three Religious t h d a d The youngs ers prepare a by Bishop Buddy.

Sacrament at the close of


speakers' program.

Judge William J. Collard will be Mc~eeken, ?· Y. ~- Presiden~; lie reception. Speakers will include I Daughte~s; Mildred Howes, Mer- master of ceremonies at the pub- /Mane Maguu:e, Jumor Ca th011 c

Mayor Percy J. Benbough. the R t. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, Wil- Ham P. Mahedy, grand knight of

cy -~ospital nurses; .Joe Gre~n. ' chanm~n transportatwn comnut- tee, assISted by George W. Ryan and M. J. Goodbody· Leo Im-



f C I



the Kmgh s o

o um us;





Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, president of Hut, .;ice pi;si~ent, S~n Diego

L O Y h ame ·ct

the National Council of Catholic


MISs Anna ueen's Da~gh-


' preSi en

tern, Mary Cantua, San Ysidro; Arnold Klaus, Chamber of Com-

Parade Planned

Preceeding the speakers' pro-


gram and Benediction,

ca th olic

Holy Name presidents, reprc-






their parish



in review before Bishoi,

Theodore Streff, Our Lady of the

Buddy. who wi th o th er digni::aries Sacred Heart church, East San will view the procession into th e Diego; Col. Wi1liam H. Kennedy,

organ ampitheater from a review- ing stand being erected in Plaza by the statue of "El Cid.'' Kilday, t

La Jolla,· C. W. Kuehl, St. A.11ne's ,· he O. C. V1·oman, St. Pat1·1·ck's,· B. E.





Those who march in th e proces- sion will afterward form in line to

Blethen, Our Lady of Angels; John Dee1·y, St. D1·dacus,· B1·endon


greet the bishop at th e close or Shea, St. John's,· F1·anc1·sco Ma-

the reception.

cias, Our Lady of Guadalupe; James Jackson, La Mesa; Edwin

Various organizations are ask-

ed to be present in the Spanish Eller, National City; Julius Deg-

Village near the east entrance of gelma.n,



the park not later than 1 :15 Hughes, Ocean Beach; Judge Wil- o 'clock, fo1· the parade will start liam J. Colla1·d, El Cajon; A. T. Promptly a t 1:30 o'clock, accord- Procopio, in charge of the Italian I l ·ng to Judge Dean Sherry, grand division; LawrencJ Oliver, head marshall Of the parade. of the Portuguese t'ivision. Division 'marshalls announced Priests Entertain by Judge Sherry will include Theo The Priests of the Leavenworth N. Streff. Under-sheriff George Deanery were guests of St. Mary's Brereton, Jack Boudri~. O. C. Vro- College, Leavenworth, at a dinner man, LeQ Im)Jlum, W. C. White, given last Tuesday in honor of William Clare, John Deery, B. E. His Excellency, the Most Rever- Kilday, Brendon Shea, Calvin end Charles _F. Buddy, D.D., Bish- Burns, John F. Sullivan, B. Schae- op of San Diego. . fer, Fred Steiner, James F, Brow- / Among the guests of honor was I er, Art~ur Davidson a nd William the Very Reverend Maurice F . 1 F. Ferner. Connor, Pastor of St. James 1

Among the farewells tendered San Diego's new 1 bishop in his native city was that held last week in the convent of the Sacred Heari where he attended as a child, when the above picture was taken of him on May 29, 1899. His full name of Charles Francis Aloysius Buddy was written on the back of the old photograph. Knights and their ladies were present to bid farewell to Bishop , I Buddy, who for so many years has

assured the new Bishop of the I warm welcome awaiting him and

Church, St. Joseph and former Pastor of St . Joseph's Cathedral with Father Buddy as lus assis- tant. The Very Reverend M. J. O'Farrell, Rector of the Cathedral at Leavenworth and Director of the Propagation of the Faith a:; well as Dean of the Leavenworth district acted as toastmaster.

Columbus of St.



tained last Thursday evening wi th the patriotic cooperation of the a large banquet as a farewell to been a member of the St. Joseph the Rt. Rev. Bishop Charles Council.

Francis Buddy who is socn to leave for his diocese in San Diego. Calif.

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