Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

l\lissions Rise, Fall The Missions rose and fell. The glories of San Diego and of San Juan ,!Capistrano and of San Luis Rey and of Nuestra Senora, Reina de Lo~ Angele~. and of Purissima and of Santa Barbara and of San Francisco, faded away, but the start that they had given to civilization and Christianity had a firm founda- j tion in the ambitions and the work of Father Serra. I And through him the injunction of the Master, laid down two thou- sand years ago, comes to a fruition this morning when the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy begins his direc- tion of the work of the church in Padre Serra's city as another of that continuing link of the de- scendents of the apostles who Fhall carry on the Master's work, until, as He has said, a consummation of the world, Bishop Buddy, the first bishop of San Diego, arrived here yesterday, and, with his coming, San Diego took on the added glory of those cities which have been designated by tl1e Roman Catholic church as the cathedral cities of her bishops. He will be enthroned as the first bishop of San Diego this morning 1 at 10:30 at St. Joseph's cathedral.


SAN DIEGO'S OWN BISHOP GREETED BY THRONG HERE ( Continued from Page 1 ) there was also one who was to turn traitor to Him. To these the Master said: "Go ye forth into all nations, teaching and baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and behold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." Time passed, the Master's work is finished and, according to His in- junction, the small group of his followers started to carry out His injunction. One went to Greece, another to Rome, one to Syria, anoth~r to Egypt. and so the seeds of Miristianity were, sown. Nations rose and fell. The glory of Greece departed. The might and power of Rome faded. The Huns and the Goths and the Visigoths poured over Europe from the un- known fastnesses of the north. Out of these, the new kingdoms of Eu- rope were welded. Art and litera- ture and architecture sprung from a new creation. Civilization took on a new aspect, and the entire course of the world was changed. In Italy a lone man walked about the streets with his son, a little boy. The man held to a strange theory- a theory that the world was round and that across the wild waste of ocean there might be other and undiscovered lands. With thre~ small ships he made the most ad- ยท venturous journey that man had ever made, and when he gave thanks to God on the island of San Salvador, he had given to the world not only a new continent, but a new hemisphere. The Followers To that hemisphere came those who, in humble guise, were the followers of those to whom the Master, 1500 years before, had given His command to spread His word. Within some 30 years after discov- , ery oi America by Columbus, a Jesuit priest, the famous Father , Kino, had walked across the,desert that we know now as Sonora, northern Mexico, and had pene- trated into the state of Arizona as far as the Grand Canyon. His brother Jesuits conceived and built those structures which today are famous throughout the world as the Missions. The first and greatest of these was at Tucson, Others, built in a barren land, were strung through Lower California. Then the Jesuits were taken from their work, and the brothers of the order of St. Dominic took up where the follow- ers of Ignatius Loyola had left off, and after the Dominicans came the gray-clad sons of St. Francis, the little man of Assisi who had pre- sented the world with a new con- cept of the Christ-like life. Out of Lower California there walked a Franciscan-a priest in gray robes with an ulcer on his leg. Slowly and painfully this man, one Junipero Serra, walked across the deserts and the hills, until one day he rested on the shores of a blue expanse of water which later was to be called the Harbor of the Sun. A little way behind the Harbor of the Sun, Padre Serra visioned and built probably the most his- toric series of buildings in the his- tory of the world - the California Missions. They stretched from San Diego to San Francisco, and some of them were almost too great in their influence and their value for the modern mind to conceive. But the first of these, the mother house, was in the valley of the San Diego river-the house that we now know as Mission San Diego de Alcala.



When a bishop arrives. Part of the crowd which jam'lled the Union station yesterday to greet Bishop Buddy on bis arrival in his new bishopric.

SAN DIEGO'S OWN BISHOP GREETED BY THRONG HERE People of All Walks Wel- come First Diocese Prel- ate; Enthronement Today. By PIERCE EGAN A Catholic bishop came to town yesterday. It wasn't the first time a bishop has come to San Diego, but some- how this was different. It was San Diego's own bishop-and I'm not speaking of creeds now, I'm speak- ing of people. The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., first bishop of the new diocese of San Diego, arrived here from St. Joseph, Mo., at 10:15 yesterday morning over the San Diego and Arizona Eastern railway, He was greeted at the Union sta- tion by a throng. It was a cosmo- politan audience. Men and women of wealth came to pay their respects ( to the bishop. Merchants and shop- keepers were there. Men of prom- I inence in business, social and po- litical llfe greeted the new bishop. But is was the fringe of the crowd that was most interesting. From all walks of life they came. Those who have known heartaches, disaster, distress crowded in to get a glimpse of the man_ they kne:v by reputation as their friend. Mex1~ans and Indians broke through the Imes to greet their new chief. A Mex- ican orchestra serenaded him. A Negro boy bowed to kiss the bish- op's ring. The bishop's hand went out to pat th~ curly head. Right then we knew the sublime charac- teristics of Bishop Buddy. San Diego 1 is going to like him. The Master's Word Two thousand years ago the Mas- ter of Men called around Him those whom He had summoned to His support. There was a. publican and~ a physician and a fisherman, and I Continued on Page 6. Col. 2 )

Smiles greeted Bi hop Buddy and reflected his own

contagious smile on his arrival in San DiPQ'O.

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