Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)



ING, FEB. 4, 1937





COLORFUL PROCESSION HIGHLIGHT 1 Cathedral Unable to Hold Throng as Ancient Ritual By PIERCE EGAN Pomp and ceremon,v that ha.- marked the distinctive history of the Catholic church for cen- turies u,shered in a new era for San Diego yesterday. The oc"a- sion wa!'l the en1hroncmcnt of the Most Rev. Charles Fnmr i'l Rnddy, D. D., as the first bi~hop of_ the newly Crt'a tcd s e oJ ran D1e!.!o. 1 :1 '\Yhen the rro;,;icr of .• l~d- arns pa<:;st>d from 1he hi/n~ of the ;Host ReY. ,John ,T. cnrH,i i; D. D., archbishop of f,o~ uar of Catholic history hrrr. Sidewalks Lined Ceremonies dating back to the days when early Christi ans wor- shiped in cellars or in the silent I dales hidden away in the hills were used during the enthronement. Down through the age~ the church has kept the ritual of dignity, of 1 splendor-the ritual of a church militant, of a church triumphant and a church humble. In the beau- ty and color and grandeur there is also mingled the qu:et digrnty of peace and Jo,·e. As the procession from the rec- tory to the church passed. the streets and sidewalks ·w re lined with persons who were unable to get rnto the cathedral becau~e of lack of seating capacity. A more colorful procession JX'I'• haps was never seen before in San Diego. Seven bishops from vari0us dioceses clo_thed in their purple robes; mons1(lnors in their brilliant garb. ~ranciscans in the gray robes of their order; Paulists. Clarentian I Redemptorist, Passionist. Vincen~ 1 tian, Jesuit, Augustine Recollects Augustinian Hermits, Dominicans' Benedictines, all in their speeiai dress and the large number of secular priests in the more iiomber garb of their office. All were there. Papal knights in brilliant uniform and fourth degree Knights of Co- lumbus as guards added color to the scene. Archbishop Cantwell and Bishop Buddy, the last in the procession. resplendent in their purple robes and tram, presented a picture that will not be forgotten soon by the thousands who came to pay respects to the first bishop of San Diego. The personality and friendly smile of Bishop Buddy c a p t u r e d the hearts of the people. The charac- teristics of humility which mark his every action makes him at once beloved by all with whom he comes in contact. Elevates Rev pap aI Bu 11 8 udd y· Is Read • , •


San Diego Bishop Enthroned · _:=:::....__________ :;7-:;~~;e: ~eat~~e se:m 0 n Catholic Dignitaries Honor Head of Diocese In his

by Archbishop. Cantwe_ll, Bishop Buddy was grac10us m his words of th_ank!ulne_ss t_o the people of San Diego. His first words expressed as to the government of his see, bespoke the character of the man. "I know of only one rule of gov- ernment." he said, "and that is the law of charity." He realizes full well the heavy burden that has been placed upon him and understands. too, human limitations and the fact that long after the first bishop of San Diego has gone, the office of bishop will remain here down through the com- ing generations. He expressed this thought once in his short discourse when he said: "Sooner or later the ring that encircles this finger will encircle (Continued on Page 3, Sec. 2, Col. 1) dust and ashes. Let us then do good while we have time." To attempt to describe the sub- lime beauty of the ceremonies would be of little avail, for the eye alone can grasp such scenes as these. Priests, acolytes and altar boys had been training for weeks for this ceremony and it was presented with such dignity as to bring ever- lasting credit to those taking part. The choir, too, more than 100 voices, was trained specially for the mass by the Rev. Matthias Lani, world- famous choir director. Mass Celebrated Pontifical mass was celebrated by Bishop Buddy, with Archbishop Cantwell presiding. Officers of the mass were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, archpriest; the Rev. William Casey as deacon; the Rev. Charles Loftus. subdeacon; the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue and the Rev. M. J. O'Connor as masters of ceremonies. The Rev. John A. Da- ley, 0. S. A., and the Rev. Thomas McNamara were deacons of honor. To these priests was given the task of carrying out the ceremonial and to them was given the great privi- lege and great responsibility of the success which they so well earned. It was one of the most beautiful ceremonials ever seen in San Diego. The papal bull, naming Bishop Buddy as the first bishop of the new See, was read by the Very Rev. William Kelly, 0. S. A. The entire program was broad- cast by KFSD and loudspeakers carried the program to the waiting throngs in the streets. Bishops in attendance at the cere- mony included the Most Rev. Joseph M. Gilmore, D. D., bishop of Helena, Mont.; the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, D. D., bishop of Amarillo, Tex.; the Most Rev. Philip G. Scher, D. D., bishop of Monterey- Fresno; the Most Rev. Gerald Shaughnessy, S. M., S. T. D., bishop of Seattle; the Most Rev. Charles Hubert Le Blond, D. D., bishop of St. Joseph, Mo.; the Most Rev. Rob- ert J. Armstrong, D. D., bishop of Sacramento; the Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, D. D., bishop of Tucson, Ariz.


Participating in the impressive rites yesterday at the installation of San Diego's first bishop were (left to right): Dr. Joseph T. McGucken (in front), secretary to Archbishop John J. Cant- well; the Rev. T. J. McNamara; Bishop Charles F. Buddy, and the Rev. J. A. Daley.

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