Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


Jiis &cellenc9 The (\osl l\etlerend Charles Jiuberl ~l3 lond .!}shop of Si.Joseph cordia.ll9 re9uesls !he honor of 9our presence a.I !he formal fteceplion in honor of Jiis &cellenc9 The (\osl l\etlerend 0,mlelo yiovanni Cicognarn


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0rchbishop of ls,odicea. 0poslolic lDelega.le lo !he 4,niled Sla.les of 0merica. in S!Joseph's Ca.lhedro.l 2)1 . Joseph , (\issouri a.I lhree o'clock !he a.flernoon of Sunda.9,CI)ecember lulenliel h One lhousa.nd nine hundred lhirl9-s1?C Solemn ponlifica.l .!3enediclion of lhe (los l ,Blessed Sacramenl Jiis (?ccellenc9 'The (\osl l\etlerend John Joseph CanluJel!,en .en. 0rchb1shop of !es 0ngeles Officia.lin3

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