Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


is &cellenci The (\ost f-\_everend Charles _riubed

J3lond ,cr)_q)

.!}shop of ff Joseph cordiall1 re9uesls !he honor of iour presence al !he formal f\,eceplion in honor of Jf is &cellenci The (\ost f-\_everend 0-mleto yiovanni Cico3narn ,cr) _q)_ 0rchbishop of leod1cea 0poslolic COele3ale lo !he 4_niled Slales of 0meric&. in SI .Joseph's Calhedral Sl.Joseph , (\issouri al lhree o'clock !he aflernoon of Sunda1 ,COecember lulenlielh One lhousand nine hundred lhirl1-s1?C Solemn ponlifical l)enediclion of lhe (\osl ,Blessed Sacramenl Jf is f3cellenci 'The (\ost f-\_everend John Joseph Canh.Jel],cr)_q)_ E\rchb1shop of 18s 0n3eles Officialin3

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