Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Hearts Warmed Sunday at Smile Of New Bishop Labeled "Regular Fellow" By Admiring Crowd Sunday; Shows Gifts I San Diegans didn't need to hear Bishop Charl:'!s Francis Buddy 1 state that despite the beauties of California in limate and scenic beauty, that it was the people that he loved, the thousands of im- mortal souls that had been in- trusted to his guidance, to realize that he was a man who loved hu~ II manity, a man who loved the poor and the little children, for it is written in every li~e of his face l and in his ready smile. "He is a regular fellow," person after person echoed Sunday in su- preme praise as they left the park after the reception, each heart warmed by the handclasp and "God Bless You" of their bishop. out at Point L-0ma at the bishop's temporary home a few guests and newspaper people have found Bishop Buddy to be just what he was acclaimed by the hundreds who met him Sunday. Grac10us1y he walked through the house with his visitors and sho'\\·ed them some of the many gifts he has received sirice his elevation to the bishopric. The beautiful robes he wore for his Consecration in St. Joseph and his installation h:::re were the gift of his former parishioners. The ring, which has been kissed by hundreds of Catholics, priests and laymen alike, since Bishop I Buddy arrived and will be kissed by thousands more as he travels up and down the 34,000 square miles of his diocese in his capacity as leader and supreme teacher of 100,000 communicants, is a beauLi- ful example of the jeweler's art. Siberian Amethyst A huge, clear Siberian amethyst, rnrrounded by 24 diamonds, it is a gift from Mr. and Mrs. John A. McGee, cousins -who accompanied the Bishop here from St. Joseph, Mo. Fashioned by Tiffar.y in New York, the heavy gold of the ring is carved with a she1,f of wheat and a cluster of grapes-the bread and wine of religious ritual-a mitre, the headpiece designating a bish- op's rank, the Crozier, which is the symbol of his authority, and, above these, a dove symbol of the Holy Ghost. Gift of Religious On the second floor of the bish- op's home a small chapel has been equipped for the bishop and it was with real pleasure that he ex- plained that the beautiful taber- nacle was the gift of the priests and sisters of the San Diego dio- cese. The bishop picked up a gold and silver chalice, beautifully enamelled in Munich, Bavaria, and studded with jewels. Pointing to a cluster of diamonds on the stem of the chalice. he said, with rev- erence in his voice:


At the close of the civic reception honoring His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, on Sunday, Solemn Bene diction of the :Most Blessed Sacrament was given on the Altar built at the opening· of the Exposition for the Catholic Day Field l\Iass. Bishop Buddy is shown holding- the monstrance, with the Rev. Mat- thew O'Connor, master of ceremonies, at his left.-Cut, courtesy S. D. Union. •

Director Thanked

BISHOP CHARLES F. BUDDY, D.D. First Bif,hop of the Diocese of San Diego, California CIVIC RECEPTION AT BALBOA PARK February 7, 1937 -----o,----- O SALUTARIS O salutaris hostia, Quae coeli pandis ostium: Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxilium. Unitrinoque Domina, Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino, Nobis donet in patria. AMEN. TANTUM ERGO Tantum ergo Sacramentum, Veneremur cernui: Et anitiquum documentum, Novo cedat ritui: Praestet fides supplementum, Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque, Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque, Sit et benedictio: Precedenti ab utroque, Compar sit laudatio. Amen HOLY GOD Holy God, we praise Thy Name, Lord of all, we bow before Thee; All on earth Thy sceptre claim, All in Heav'n above adore Thee, Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign. Hark! the loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are raising ! Cherubim and Seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising: Fill the Heav'ns with sweet accord; Holy, Holy, Holy Lord.


In l!is res:!)onsc at the civic re- ception Sunday, His Excellency, Bish~p Charles Francis Buddy, first paid tribute to the Rev. Mat- thias Lani, who directed the large I choir that sang at the installation l\ and at the reception. I -Cut Courtesy Union. "And this is a gift from my par- ents. Those diamonds were once set in a brooch my mother wore." Gold in the chalice was from a number of his mother's pieces of jewelry and ~\\'as a gift to the bishop a short time before her death last year.



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