Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

POPULATION OF DIOCESE PLACED AT 80,000 IN FIRST REPORT 0 ORGANIZATION AT NEW CHANCERY Eighty-seven Priests, Two Hundred Nuns Working Parishe and Institutions of Diocese of San Diego; Over 16,000 Children Receiving Instruction · Francis Buddy, D.D., Bi~hop of the Diocese of San Diego, ·will address his dioce'e as a whole for the first time Sun- day evening, Feb. 21, over radio station KGB at 6 o'clock. In addition to Bishop Buddy's address, there will also be broadcast at that time a group of musical num- bers by the augmented choir of 100 voices that sang at Bishop Buddy's Installation 1 Mass !here t'eb. 3, and again at the public reception in Balboa Park on the fol- lowing Sunday. The Rev. :Matthias Lani of Los Angele , who or- ganized and directed the large choir for the ceremonies here, will be in San Diego, Sunday evening, to direct the choir for the radio program. Royal Brown will ac- company the choir. - With a Catholic population of approximately 80,000 persons in the countie. of San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside and Imperial counties, the l\'rost Rev. Bi hop Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., this week started organiza- tion of the work for the new Diocese of San Diego. Chancery offices have been open- , --- -- ed in the St. Joseph's hall at 1528 Fourth avenue. BISHOP BUDD TO dAKE RADIO ADDRESS His Excellency, the lo t Rev. Chari

ORDERS OF WO. IE. Ele\'cn orders of nuns with a total membership of 200 Sisters are laboring in the schools and hospitals of the new liocese. Six of these orders are located in the city of San Diego. They are: the Carmelite Sisters of the Trinity (Discalccd); the Holy Family Sis- ters, engaged in social service work and the teaching of Catechism: the Sisters of Mercy in charge of Mer- cy hospital; the Poor Sisters of Nazareth. who maintain the Na- zar h House orphanage; the Sis- ters of St. Joseph of Carondolet who staff the Our Lady of Peact Academy (boarding and day school for girls) and three paro- I chiel schools; the Sisters of St. I Joseph of Orange, in charge of hE' E8 st San Diezo parochial school; and the Sister Servan s of the Blessed Sacrament, in ch rg" of our Lady of Guadalupe acad- emy here and Mt. Carmel a cad- emy at San Ysidro. The Sisters of st. Joseph of Carondelet are in char~e of tl} c· st. Boniface Indian school a t Banning and the Sisters Servant~ of the Blessed Sacrament staff the Lady of Guadalupe academy at Calexico. Other orders includP the Society of Missionary Cate- chists who work out of Brawley. Coachella and Redlands and take care of approximately thirty ml~- the Carmelite S -- ters of the Divine Heart of Jesu5 at Riverside, in charge of St. ,Jo- seph's Home of St. Teresa: Sis- ters of the Immaculate Heart f Mary at San Bernardino, in charge of Immaculate Heart Ac- ademy (boarding and day school) ; Sisters of Charity of the Incarn- ate Word. also at San Bernardino, in charge of the st. Bernardine':; hospital; and the Sisters of the Precious Blood, in charge of th-:: San Luis Rey Academy at San Luis Rey. . ORDERS OF MEN In addition to the eight Fran- ciscan priests at San Luis Rey Mission, a novitiate and house of philosophy for Franciscan Fathers of the Province of Santa Barbara. there are seven Brothers. nim· novices, three postulants and thir- teen pupils residing there. The only other institution lll charge of a religious order of men, is the st. Augustine High School. the only boys' high school in the diocese, which is in charge of th(' Augustinian Fathers. Seven pTie ts are included on the teaching staff. VIT I, STATIS'l'ICS Baptisms were placed at 2,8;;7 with 179 of that number beinr. adults. Converts for the penod were placed at 150: maniagcs at 483 and deaths at 558. 1 sion centers: 1



Four hundred and sevrnty-four Jay and religious teachers are in charge of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in thP Diocese of San Diego, with an enrollmen• of 12,357 children under their tu- . telage during the past year. The of young people under Ca- tholic care was placed at 16,134. Other Catholic institutions, or institutions under Catholic aus-


There are fifty-one

with resident pastors and fifty- three missions being sen·ed from in he various parishes. Mercy hos- pital and the Nazare th House or- phanage are the only two chapels


with resident chaplains.

Fifteen parishes of the diocese , t t 1 o a have their own parochial schools, with a total of 2,691 students in



attendance. Five

and :four academies for young wo- pices include two hospitals. that of men are maintained. wi th a total Mercy hospital, under the Sisters attendance of 907. One seminary of Mercy in San Diego, and St. of a religious order is li.sted, that Bernadine's at San Bernardino of the Franciscans at San Lub under the Sisters of Charity of th; Rey. and one orphanage, lhat of Incarnate Word; and one home Nazareth House in Mission Val- for the aged. A total of 9 , 034 pa- ley. One Indian Bureau school tients were treated at the two hes- has a total cf 89 pupils enrolled. pitals during the past year.

First business of the new chan- cery office was the compilation of an official directory of the person- ell, churches and institutions com- ing under the jurisdiction of the newly formed diocese which cov- ers a territory of 34.708 square miles. Pending official announce- ment by Bishop Buddy of diocesan officials. such as vicar general. chancellor. secretary to the bishop all of whom will be priests of the diocese, Rev. M. J. O'Connor of St. Joseph's Cathedral. has charge under Bishop Buddy, of the new chancery. I Surprising statistics were found ln the summary of the country , newest diocese. Of the 87 priests in the diocese, 62 are secular priests and 25 are members of re- ligious orders. which includes the Franciscans, the Augustinian Her- mits, the Augustinian Recollects and the St. Columban's Foreign .Missionary Society, which has its headquarters in Redlands.

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