Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)



series of brief

Then will follow

talks, speakers of which will be introduced by Judge William J Collard, former county president :::P~:~ a welcome for the people of San T B Di:go while Mr. McGinnis will ~!n~h\:a::1?;;~b:~~~


Reception p--

rogram brmg to San Diegans and Bishop Preceded by Colorful Buddy the message cnt by Mayor Parade of Unit, Welch of st. Joseph, Mo. the bishop's native city. Representing PLAN BENEDICTION the Ministerial Association of San Diego, Dr. Roy Campbell of the Large Choir and Band Present Numbers at t First Congregationnl church will 1 speak, to be followed by William Mahedy and Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, diocese La1~y of the Diocese of San Di• Msgr. John M. Hcg rty, v .F.. un- ego will march in review before tht der whose directions plans for the :ost Rev. Bishop Charles Francif re~eption were made, will speak uddy, D.D., Sunday afternoon at briefly and Bishop Buddy will re- ~a~boa Park, where a mammoth spond, completing the speaking c1v1c reception will be stag"d in program. the bishop's ho 1 , c M . . 1 01. athollc nnd ountmg to tho great golden non-Cathohc alike arc mvited to Altar used for the Catholic D~y the rec t· " 1 . ep ion of the new spiritual Mass at the opening of the Expo- /a.dei, who Wednesday was of- sition in 1935, Bishop Buddy as I biciall~ installed in his Cathedral si~ted by members of the cl~rgy~ Jyh His Excellency, Archbishop will give Solemn Benediction and 0 n J. Cantwell of Los Angeles. extend his blessing to those pres- . Atl:~5 o'clock all marching c~t. The entire a~scmbled crowd uruts WJll be lined up in their will join in singing the Bcnedic- d... ~vision of the procession which 1 ~.ion hymns and the closing 111nm, ~1 be formed in the Spanish Holy God We Pra,sc Thy Name." ::n~e near the cast entrance Song sheets have brcn prmtcd and . alboa Park. The parade will be passed out to all marchers will start promptl:v at 1 : 30 in the procession. o Speakers' Program who will reprcsm men and women of the catholic . --- th


AIDES TO GRAND MARS~apt. Arthur Davidson, Capt. Fred A. Steiner, Capt. William Ferrier, Capt, Jack _Boudri.e, Charle_s Shields, Theodore N. Streff, Nicholas J. Martm. Cosimo Cutri, Geo, Ryan, Jr,, and R. J. McGann. cmEF OF STAFF ...... 7...............- ....-..... • ...... •• BERT SCHAFFER ASSISTANT TO cmEF OF STAFF......CAPT. SEYMOUR WURFEL PROVOST MARSHAL ............................CAPT. JAMES F. BROWER Order of Parade by Divisions DIVISION I-Division Marshal, George Brereton. Police Escort, San Diego Police; Grand Marshal and Staff, Massed National Colors, Bonham's Brothers Boys' Band, Uni- formed Navy Men, Uniformed Marines, Catholic Daughters of America, Junior Catholic Daughters of America.; Mercy Hos- pital Nurses, Young Ladies' Institute. DIVISION II-Division Marshal, 0, C. Vroman. Academy of Our Lady of Peace, Students and Alumni; Naza- reth House, Band and Children; st. Augustine High School Students, Imperial County Delegation, Riverside County Dele- gation, San Bernardino County Delegation. DIVISION III-Division Marshal, Leo l11bl11m. Immaculate Conception Parish and Third Order of St. Fran- cis, St. Joseph's Parish. DIVISION IV-Division Marshal, Wilfred M. Clare. Our Lady of Angeles Parish, st. Vincent's Parish, St. John's 1 Parish. DMSION V-Division Marshal, William C. White. Sacred Heart Parish (East San Diego). Sacred Heart Parish (Coronado), Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. DIVISION VI-Division Marshal, Joh11 Decry. St. Anne's Parish, St. Patrick's Parish, st. Didicus Parish. DIVISION VII-Division Marshal, B. E. Kilday, our Lady of Rosary Parish and Italian Girls' Sodality Sacred Heart Pa1ish (Ocean Beach), Mary, Star of the Sea Pa~·ish

MOST REV. CHARLES F. Bl'DDY. D.D. First Bishop of San Diego

Marching units too will show a great deal of color, for at the head of each unit will march a flag bearer and a banner bearer, so tllat the whole will take a medieval

o:clock .forrna- ~ion on page 4 of this section). m columns of fours the line of march will form on Laurel street and march west to the Plaza de ~auama, turning on the east side of the statue of El Cid and marching into the great outdoor organ ampitheater, where the reception program will be held. .BIS.hop Buddy and visiting dig- mtanes, together with thn mayor of San Diego, "Percy J. Benbouah a nd the repf-esentativc of ;h~ mayor of St. Joseph, Mo., William J. McGinnis, and representatives from the Nav I\" .. Y, .1.a1me and Anny corps stationed here, will watch the pr · ocess1on from a reviewing s~and being erected at the east side of the statue El Cid in the Plaza. At the close of the proccs.•lon a ?ugle call will am ounce the oi,.:on- tng of the 1 i 11 • ,. rn:l the W.P.A. band will follow With the "Star Spangled Banner." The great choir of over lCO voices that sang at the Installation Ma ·s, will render several especially prepared numbers under the direction of the Rev. Matthias Landi, director of the Cathedral choir m Los An- geles. Royal Brown, municipal or- ganist, will preside at the console of the world-famous organ. (see procession

Large Il'l::lcgation air, the whole appearing much as During the last few days letters the crusaders must have looked by the score have been pouring as they marched in the early days. into the office of lhe St. Vincent Youth and age will march, places de Paul headquarters m st. Jo- being reserved for the uniformed scph's hall, which has been taken students of the vanous Catholic over for the time being by the lay schools. for the white gowned stu- committce arranging the details dent nurses from Mercy Hospital, for the reception. A. V. Mayr- for each youthful and adult or- hofer, K.C .H.S., general chairman ganization in the church. Uni- and Frank Lacngle, general secre- formed drill teams of the Y.L.I., tary, report that thrnugh the Holy the Junior Catholic Daughters, the Name Society officials, practically Portuguese Girls' Drill team, the every parish in outlying cities and blue rob8d Children of Mercy will villages throughout the diocese has each take its place in the proces- written to say that a large lay sion. Mexican organizations will d.elegation will represent their par- be represented and Indian reserva- ticular parish Sunday afternoon. tions in lhe back country over Sunday's procession will be col- which Father Francis Dillon acts orful and musical, for in addition as spiritual advisor. will be pres- to the W.P.A. band. which will be ent m their picturesque garb. The stationed at the organ pavilion and Filipmo Community will be reprc- At the head of this interesting and orange costumes, the Bonham recession of catholic people who I Boys' Band in th Tt f . . e mi 1 .ary per ec- vould welcome their new bishop, t10n of thell' white umforms and ill be Judge Dean shen-y as I the band from the Nazareth House ,,.rand marshal.. and a score or orpha1:aise will be among the l~ore of division marshals. marchmg units to aid in the marching. 1 the W.P.A. orchestra, which will acccmpany the choir, the Merke- ley's Musical Maids in their reel sented. as will each distinctive nationality in the city.

• To Speak Sunday Mayor Percy L. Benbough , who will be among the speak-, ers at the civic reception hon- oring Bi bop Buddy. •



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