Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


ASS centians Start Organization of Separate Council Bi hop cldr ·e• le 1ing- Of Branch Leaders Organization of a central coun- 1 cil of the St. Vincent de Paul so- ciety for the Diocese of San Di- ego was affected Sunday morning at St. Joseph's hall at a quarterly breakfast-meeting at which the Most Rev. Charlrs Francis Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, was the hon- or guest. The breakfast and meeting fol- lowed the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral. which the Vincentians attended and at which they received Holy Com- munion. For the last time the q11arterly report of the St. Vincent de Paul society, under the Los Angele:, central council was read, the meeting marking the severing of branch units of the society in the diocese from the old affiliation under th\ former Diocese of Los Angeles and San Diego. TI1e Vin- centians are the first of the lay • org-anizations in the new cticc~«c to organize a diocc::an unit of their own. All parishes of the city and I I county were represented, each reading the quarterly report of their branch. Brief talks were made hy Albert V. Mayrhofer. Frank Laengle, M. Webber, J. F. McIntyre, Leo Im- I blum. Theodore N. Streff. William 1 Dowd, Louis Weggenman , James Cox, A. T. Procopio and Dr. C. H.' Henderson. Dr. Albert F. Willier presided and appointed Msgr. Hegarty, Theodore Streff. Leo Imblum, William Sick and William Morri- son as a committee to consult with Bishop Buddy in formation of the I new central council. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. He- garty, Vicar Forain, presented the bishop to the audience. "Th1s is the day we of San Di- ego have been awaiting for years," Msgr. Hegarty said. "I present to you your own bishop and mine.'' Bic_;hop Buddy again expressed his appreciation for the wonderful reception he has received in San Diego. "I have great hope for the future," he said. "Happy days are here and I like the set-up of your organization. Let us always re- member that many acts of chari- ty are never written into reports. The finest thing that any of us can do ls to care for the poor and lighten the burden of those who are in distress."

hrone of St. Didacus


WILL RECEIVE IN HONOR OF BISHOP BUDDY All Catholic Young People Invited to Join C.Y.O. in Spiritual Bouquet BISHOP TO SPEAK Breakfast to Follow Ia s At St. .Joseph's Cathedral Catholic y0uth groups of San Diego county will unite Sunday morning- in attending Ma~s and Holy Communion in a body as !l spiritual bouquet offering to their new bishop, the Most Rev. Fran- cis Buddy, D. D., who will cele- brate the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Jo. seph's Cathedral and preach thr sermon. Following Ma s they will march to the Elks club dining room for I a breakfast at, which Bishop Bud- dy will be guest of honor. Othrr special gues~s at the breakfast wlll be the Rt. Rev Msgr. John M. He- garty, V. F .. rector of St. Jo~eph'• Cathedral. the Very Rev. William P. Trf'jJy, o.~ ·• nrinc,p I of st. Augustine School. and the Rev. Francis Ott . director of the C. Y. O.'s, under whose spomorship the Communion and breakfast, arc be- ing arranged. The eight organizations af- filiated under the C. Y. O. ex- tend a, general invitation to all Catholic young people to join lhem at the Communion and breakfast in honot· of BiFhop I Buddy. Reservations hould be I made for the at once and should be phoned to Jerry LfllTY MrMecken of Chula Vist:: president of the C. Y. 0., will act as toastmaster at the breakfast. Jerry McDonough of the St. Mary Players and Miss Catherine Ward,_ of the Mercy Hospital Sociality have been chosen to speak for the young men and young women of the C. Y. 0. Short talks will hr dwn hy member;; of he clergy J Father Ott. Father Kelly and Monsi(snor Hegarty, after which Bishop Buddy will make a re- sponse. ,Ueet In Hall A ~pecial section of the church will be set aside for the youn~ people in St. Joseph's Cathedral I to accommodate the four or five hundred expected to attend. Those attending are urged to be present I in St. Joseph hall at 7: 30 o'clock Sunday morning in order to be i ready to start the procession to the church at 7:45. Brenden Shea, ~resident of St. John's Hoh Name rnciety. will act as marshal! of the procession. a~sistcd hy Larry Cal- lahan and Joe Geddis. McDonough, Main 3615. To Sp~alc At Breakfast

Above is shown the elaborate! y carved throne chair in St. Joseph's Cathedral to wlmh Archbishop Cantwell led Bishop Buddy in the ceremonies Wednesday morning . The throne is the work of Eugene Alkcr of Pasadena, a world famous wood carver who has worked in some of the greatest Cathedrals in Europe. It is all hand carved from carefully selected black walnut, _ Cut Courtesy San Diego Sun. The procession will be led by District leaders present included the uniformed Knights of Colum- A. V. Mayrhofer, Frank Laengle. bus drill team and a score of Army Dr. F. A. Willier, Theo. N. Streff, and Navy academy cadets. A large Pierce Egan, John F. Sullivan, delegation of young women from John B. Litot, Henry Saler, W. C. our Lady of Peace Academy and White, M. 0. Lemon, Arthur Cas- young men from St. Augustine sin, Geo. W. Ryan, Louis F. Weg- School have signified their inten- geman, Patrick J. Duffy, A. T. tion of joining the C. Y. 0. on this I Procopio, R. A. McGann, Frank occasion. E. Boyle, James F. Southerland, Member clubs takng part in- C. Prescher, Albert L. David, Leo elude the Knights of Columbus, Sullivan, John Wickinson. Eugene the Young Ladies' Institute, the Marinan. J. F. McIntyre, W. J. st. Mary Players, the our Lady f Dowd, M. M. Gartner, Michael of Mercy Sodality, the Sou·h Ba:· Weber, William Sick, James ~ox, c. Y. o., and the Young People's C. S. Henderson, James Wnght, clubs of st. Didacus, st. Joseph's Gerald McDonough and William I and St. Martin's, La Mesa. L. Morrison. /

Larry McMeeken is president of the C. Y. O., Miss Dorothy Schmucker, vice president: Rod McLeod. treasurer, and Miss Ca- therine Ward, secretary. Others prominent in arranging plans for Sunday include Joe Whalen and __ex s•e,va_·'.

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