Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

'f BishoP. Celebrates Monthly Soda~ity Massat Academy, Visits Children In Their Classrooms There can be no doubt that if cialion. Pleased by the large, you ask he studen s at the Aca- number who received Holy Com- demy of Our Lady of Peace which munion, he assured them that two da ·s stand out this year, they they would be strengthened in the would tell you Wednesday, Feb. good resolves which made them 17, when His Excellency, the Most the "hope of the future". Aftei· Re\'erend Charles F. Budciy, cele- the ceremony, the bishop and th1> brated the first Students' Spirit- Rev. M. J. O'Connor were guests ual Council Mass of the new se- of the Sisters of St. Joseph at mester, and Friday, Feb. 19, breakfast. when their beloved bishop re- turned to attend the Forum ar- ranged by the S. S. C. His Excellency was deeply

BI HOP E.:TE 'DED OFFI ~r \L WELCO. IE BY GO . . IERRLL I California'" cfficial welcome and greetin!!' w " t>:xteniled to the fir:t hl~ho'l nf "'an Diego la t rirlav , •hen the Honor- a ,le Frank F. :.\lcrriam. g•n•er- n of Califcrnia, c::lled on the l\fcst Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.n ., at his new chan- c:.-ry office~. The state'" c1lief executive, in commcn with many leading Californianc; long has been fa. miliar . with the outstanding record of BiEhop Buddy as a charities and civic worker in the miclwt>:st. and took the op- rortunity cf hi~ vi5it in Ran Diegc to e ·pr z~s his p)Pasure to Bisbcp Eud

lie Press Association honorary President

The Cat

:uo T RF.V. J. J. HARTLEY, D.D. Bi hop of Columbus

Presidcn Vincent de Paul Fitzpatril'k The Catholic Re\'iew Baltimore, Md.

Vice Presiden t Rev. J. W. De Pencier, O.S.:U. The Mother of Sorrows Chicago Ill.


February 13, 1!-)37

, To His Excellency The Most Re,·. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D. Bishop of San Diego Your Excellency.

Following a tour of the garden-, which make Villa Montemar one of the beauty spots of San Diego, His Excellency visited the gram- mar school, where he lingered in each class room, speaking to the children, whose delight in seeinf their bishop was unbounded. The high school students were assem- bled in the Lecture hall, awaiti.n~: I His Excellency, to whom they presented a spiritual bouquet as a testimonial of their love and thei1 loyalty, Bishop Buddy talked in- formally to them, endearing him- self more to his young listeners every minute. He explained the - significance of his episcopal ring and cross, allowing each one to examine them. "good-bye"; they did not let him go until he had posed for a pictut·e and had promised to colne again on Fri- day for th~ s. S. C. meeting on Communism. Accompanied by Father O'Con•· I nor, the bishop attended the meet- ing. After it, he spoke in glow- ing terms of the work that th~ Reluctantly Bishop Buddy the girls hmd say of the day. He commended them for the manner in which they I them that they had two sets of 1 brains, one containing the ma- I ch!nery with which to work; th~ I othe1· the storehou~e of knowledge. "You came supplied with both," he said, "the ability to think, and telling

I have read with interest in The Southern Cross the account of your installation as the First Bishop of San Di go. The installcition edition of The outh- ern Cros." i: one in which all of us in the Catholic Press can take pride. ot only were the various storie of the in~tallation v,·ell written but the illm~- I trations reichecl an e. ·ceptionally high standard. I The issue wa: one which all of us Catholic editors I can envy legitimately. I want to take this occasion to extend to you the congratulations of the officers and members of the Catholic Pres, s:ociation of the United States. We wish yon long ancl happy year.. If there is any- thing our Association can do for you, please let us know. It may interest you to know that thi letter to the First Bishop of San Diego is written as I look out upon the dome of the Baltimore Cathedral, "The Mother Church of Lh e Country." Beneath that dome lies the sacred remain.' of The Most Reverend John Carroll, first Bi. hop of Baltimore and Father of the American Heirarchy. This letter, therefore, goes from a neighborhood that is rich in Catholic histori- cal association to ~'OU who now live in a neighbor- hood rich in hi storical a ssociations.

touched by tlie ,vay in which the students participated in the Holy Sacrifice by the Missa Recitata. He commended them for their zeal and fervor and for the ex- cellence of their Latin pronoun-

Re,·. 1\1. O'Connor Is Appointed Secretary By Bishop Buddy, D.D. Of f i c. i a 1 appointment was maoe thif week by Bisho11 Charle!- Francis Buddy of the Rev. J\-I'c,h:i<>l O'Connor as sec- rr ' an· at the chancery offir"'. which ha~ been located aL 1528 Fourth a\'enuc. Father O'Connor may b"

t his office at the

1 eacl1ed

chancery and all appointments girls were doing by their intclli- •hcu!d be made thrr:ugh him gent study of the vital problems

b~· c,alling Franklin 4737.

Episc~l}al I:____________.___.... appointments of later.

the dioc~se will be announced presented their material,

Sincerely VINCENT de PAUL FITZPA1'RICK President of The Catholic Press Association

to think on yout feet."

the ,





resourcefulness the bishop f'aid that






R d. -1

and logic,

Bishop Buddy to Speak O

th e Sou th1 a nd

their performance was worthy of college students. He had words of praise for the interest and zeal ' of the sisters whose efforts to de-

Bishop Buddy filled the heart~

Church in

Ver a 10

Youth has shown its s rength, it of the orphaned children at Na- has l'hown its Spiritual /'ide and zareth House Monday afternoon it has shown that it will back up by paying tl1em a visit. They I staged a ball game 11:1 rn 01101. which was greatly enJoyed by the B" h · h ' h · 1s op Buddy to the limit.

ff • I





1 ° 1Fcia g.rcetmg of San Diego's new bishop the x;I t ar es ranc1s Buddy D D • ' iv os ., to his diocesan priests and people will be made by radio Sunda F b . • ·

Rev Cihrs

· m

thi ki g n n


1 ve op their


cons rue 1ve

charges is bearing



ary 14, over KGB. according to a mcnt made yesterday.

such excellent fruit.

prelate and his parLy.

These_ y~un. g men and women ~re begmnmg to take their place -- / 111 Church life and it bids well for the Church in the future Under the s rong guiding hand · and in-



------- After the meeting Father J. B.

11 announce-

Cotter and Father O'Connor. who had been in!:erested listeners at , the discussion, joined the bishon at luncheon in the Convent. It is the earnest hope of all at Villa Montemar that Bishop Bu(i- ry will "come often, and go away "




an calls for an hour's pro- ich time the bishop will speak

gram d pr:escnt

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d an La · th







OICes, un er

aga~~ ednesday morning, will program will be made m The Southern Cross I next week. . numbers. Fmal an_nouncement_ as to the time of the s:~~~al

Buddy the youth of the Diocese , should guarantee a more virile, .1 I more active and a more spiritual /



than we have ever

Catholic lai before known.



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