Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

THE 600 CYO.Members Ho o ed Bishop At Holv Commun ·on COURAGE GREAT Heads of the ,_ario is crg~niza- "You rejoice in your I "When I looked into ·he faces Uons introduced mcluded Wtllmm own personality and your own in- of the young men and the young NECE ·~s1rv FOR Mahedy of the Knight_s of Colu1:1- div1dual Diocese, nd I ,rnnt you omen who were recei\· ng Holy riJ bus, 1:Jss Betty orm1le nnd 'Iiss to know that I rejoice with you Communion this morning. the YOUTH STRESSED B verley , Ianzer, student body in your rejoicing. God mdeed has thought came to me ,that no one president and sodality prefect of blessed you and He hac.- blessed shall e,·er separate us from th£> Our L:: dy of Peace Academy; Cnp- me. I have been very happy In }'.),·e of Christ and n'o one wUI Young People Complimented On \Vork, Urge Greater Endeavor in Future tam B::nney of the Army a nd this beautiful Harbor of the Sun ever $eparate us from the lo\'e we , avy Academy; Bill De Hoff of -not just with the natural seen- ha,·e for one another. I take this the La Mesa Young People's club; ery, but with the lovely and the a semblv as a pledge of your lo\·e Miss Carmen Montniny o! the Cor- lovable people that haYe been so and de,:otion, not to me person- onado Sodalit • Catherine kind to me and that have taken ally, but to a Bishop of tte Cath- i Ward of the Mercy fchool o't me in-a s:ranger. olic Church, to one who has been As an aftermat~ to the Catholir Nursing; Miss Virginia Maguire called to be not only your fathe1· You. h Orgamzat10n Communion I of the Junior Catholic D<'ughters; "I !old the Priests on the day in Christ but your loving friend. Mass in the Ca'hedral. Sunday Miss Mary Weitekamp of the cf the Installation Banquet tha• "May God bless you and in- morning. Bishop Charles Franch II Young Lac!ies' Institute; Ellis Ev- one of the meaning -one of the crease the numbers in your or- Buddy was honored _by the y_oung ers. student body president of the symbclisms of a Bishop's ring- ganiza.tion. we will always be 1 people at breakfast m the dming st Augustine School; Joseph ir the fact that he is wedded to I friends as we work out our salya- room at the Elks club, where such Geddis of the St. Joseph's Youn~ the Dioce e to which he goes, and tion together. You will be my a crowd attended that over one People's club: Miss Miriam Me- I think that the Priests and the joy and my crown." hundred could not be accommo- Janson of the St. Didacus Young people-and now the young peo- datcd. People's club; Miss Barbara Clar£> ple--in knowing me and in kno~ - So well was the breakfast pro- of the St John's Sociality; Miss ing what is before them have tak- gram planned and executed that Margaret Curley of Our Lady ol en me for better or for worse. I far olcier and wi er leaders could Sacred Heart parish: Miss Bar- have great hopes herc-('spccial!y have felt pride in its success. bara McKameg of Our Lady of because of the Prie ts that God n1 ,t c1c:d1t, wr its sul·ce~s 1s aue Angels Sociality; Miss Gretchen has given me to work with, They the Rev. Francis Ott, dil'ector of McMeekcn of the South Bay C. have shown me every kindness the C. Y. 0., and the officers of Y. o.: Joe Miller of Mission and devotion, and I can sec at- J the affiliated council. Beach; Bill Gibbs of the St. Mary ready a well-organized, fervent, Speakers at breakfast included Players: Miss Peggy Conners of devoted priesthood, and that i. Jerry McDonough, a member of the State College Newman club: my great hope for the future.

council we are able to comlnne social and other activities in ma- jor functions. Invaluablr, too, is the solid Catholic friendship pro- moted among an ever growlnrr number of our youth. We sense a more Catholic spirit among our 1 young men and women. vVe feel mo:·e and more the importance of our holy faith in the community 'in which we live. I "In conclusion, dear bi!!hop, we

Plans ot Material "I have no ambition to build

the St. Mary Players and first Chief Reynolds of th~ Knights of president of the C. Y. O.; Miss Columbus drill team; Mi5S Ameri- Catherine Ward, president of thr ca Jackson of the St. Vincent de Mercy Hospital sodality imd ~cc- Paul parish Sociality .md Miss retary of the C. Y. O.; Father Ott; Kathleen Picon of the Sodality of t.he Very Rev. William P. Kelly, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Some of th e

any th ing material.

th at

newspapers wrongly st ated th e new Bishop of San Diego haJ

to discuss

to Washington


o. s. A., principal and prior of st. Augustine school, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, v.

plans with the Apostolic Delegate.

Bishop Buddy Speaks

Knowing His Excellency's great That is not true. I went to Wash-

ington to pay my respects to the Papal Delegate, as that is

s• t

F., who presented His Excellency, devotion to Our Lord in the Bless-

the ':-:--------------------------- IX een Colirts Catholic Daughters To Be Here Sunday for o,·str1·ct

ed Sacrament. the C. Y. 0. decid-

(Addresses given


Bishop Buddy. in this issuel.



~.::?on a ~ral Communion as proper etiquette. He said he had

Larry McMeeken. president of l lhc C. Y. o.. was the very capa- ble toa.<; master, who at the out- hnn,

t~eir public t_oken of welc,ome t~

no instructions for me but. "In to Toas. rnaS t ei j San Diev,o," he said, "there is n thr. magnificent field and you will de-

Convention of Order

acco rd mg

-- - ~--

set gave credit to Joseph Whalen McMeeken who mtroduced

I can say this to you

vclop it.''


I- I I

like I have said on other occa- sions, "I have no plans, but I have

I as_the young man who first con-' Communion. The ce1ved the idea of the Mass and low members," Bishop Buddy held toastmaster his youthful audience in his brie! thanked Miss Catherine Predmore, talk to them. His address was il- who acted as chairman of the lustrate by frequent stones. Bish- committec of Y. L. I. members ar- op Buddy said in p:nt: terpieces at the tables. and other me every kindness since the very Church. C. Y. 0. leaders who aided in first day of my appointment when making the event the success that a beautiful telegram came from tacked From his first greeting of "fel- ranging the beautiful floral cen- "Monsignor Hegarty has shown of evil

Reception for Bishop Buddy To FoJiow Busines sion Sunday Afternoon. Ses~


"You know, my dear young peo- pie, from historv, how the forces


from, sixteen courts


attacked God'~


th e Catholic Dauc:lltcrs


You know, how down of

the Southern Cali-

through the aircs, they have at- Su nd ay for

the fornia district mectiniz of the or-




him. To me what he said was in- Church, how they have attacked der, which will be held at the Se- spiring, 'Your Cathedral Church is religious orders. But today the quoia club, Fourth avenue and waiting your plC'asure.' He ha" forces of evil are attacking the- Elm st reet, at. 1 o'clock, with 'he showered me with kindness and rr.crals cf our l'Oung people. That San Diego re Alcala court as hos- courtesy, and he has well inter- is why it is so upremely impor- tess court. preted my feelings this morning. tant that you be nourished with Following the busin..,ss mcetini I have had many beautif11l recep- the Bcdy and Blood of Christ. the Catholic Daughters will hold tions and many beauti.rul gifts. That is where we are all united. a reception honoring the Most but I think this is the happiest You could not do anything that Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., day of my life. This is the grand- would please or hearten me so first bishop of San Die"O. The est ovation I have received-an much as to see you kneeling there members will be afforded an op- expression of faith and love for at the Banquet Table of the Lord portunity of meeting Bishop Bud- Our Divine Lord in th~ Blessed and giving him a warm welcom" dy at that time. sacrament-and, to me, a beauti-1 into the sanctuary of your own ful augery for the future. I have hearts. always been interested in young people and their problems: in fact, tried to keep young with them ...

, it was.

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