Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Need of Religion Told by Bishop Over Radio Diocese Acldr~ssed Over Air Sunday Evening; Musical Progi-am Given by Large Choir Followed by Dinner Of Appreciation for Those in Consecration Ceremonies Th Mllgr. John M. Hegarty, V.F., .e very real personal need of h t l B. h B dd t . . . w o presen ec 1s op u y o every human bcmg for rehg1011, for h' ct · ct· th · an expression of their love and i~ r~ 10 au ience'. was e in- th th . f th S . ·t spnat10n for the dmner held for e mgs o e pin was ex- . . . Pl · d b H' 11 the cho1r followmg the program ame y 1s Exce ency, the , . Most Rev. Bishop Charles Francis at St. Josep~ s hall. Msg1. Heg- Budd 1 t S d . . . arty was assisted m arrangements ., y as un ay evemng m. his . . . talk d . t t · KGB for the appreciat10n dmner by A. over ra 10 s a 1011 • A 45 • t . 1 · V. Mayrhofer and Frank Laengle. -m1nu e musica program .. accompanied Bishop Buddy's ad- In add1t10n to Bishop Buddy, other ctres~ nu b . h . " b . 0 guests of honor at the mformal ~. m e1 s avm 0 een L- l' .. l d d .., th . th peated by the 140-voice choir that cmn:::r me u e +· a er ·Lam, e sang under the direction of the Rev. W. J. Mullane of Los Angeles, radio narrator of the installation Eev. Mathias Lani of Los Angeles Mass and music; the Rev . Father for the installation ceremonies, O'Farrell of Leavenworth, Kans., Feb. 3. Solo numbers, including who is visiting Bishop Buddy and ~~.'~teM~~:i 1 ~:~~ 1 ;er:,e~{~;: 0 :~ the Rev. Father O'Collins, mission- Long Beach baritone. Father Lani ary priest from China. Voices Appreciation directed the choiristers and Royal Brown presided at the organ. In his Sunday evening radio ad- dress, Bishop Buddy said:

swcrs the question of why so many people find life aimless and empty, why the end of a day brings them nothing worth while. They crave something-they know not what. That something, essential, all -im- portant, is vita~ "~ ,____ 1d prog- ress. "Deep in every human heart there is a yearning for knowledge about God anrl the soul and the hereafter. The great masses of people are hungry for the things of the Spirit. The honors, plea- sures, and abundance of the earth cannot satisfy. Witness the grow- ing number of suicides among the wealthy. Recall ihe classic ex- ample of Alexander the Great, who even when a young man had con- quered half the world, after which he came one day t,i d1e flhorf',, of the sea and wept omer.ty because I the sea set up a boundary to his ambition for further conquest. "Every rational creature, as soon as he is old enough to think, has a question to answer. 'Why am I in this World?' and 'What is my end in life?" Many things we can choose, such as our dwelling places, our avocations, our forms of rec- reation, but the end for which we were created we cannot choose. That has been decided for u.s by the Almighty Creator. "In the Book of Isaias 0 6-1 7) the Holy Ghost says : 'I have cre- ated h im for glory, I have formed him and made him.' "Therefore the ultimate cml and purpose of our existence is to give glory to God by our understanding, to know Him and His perfections and to employ a ll th e powers of body and soul to fulfill His divine will as clearly expressed in the Ten Commandments. "We are in the world, then, to know God, to love Him and to serve Him. Who does not learn this primary truth can expect no peace nor happiness nor true suc- cess. Without this fundamental, man must remain a puzzle to him- self and an ultimate failure . "The fact is that from the very instant of our creation, our souls crave God, their Creator, and only God can satisfy. "By th e light of our own minds, by the created world around us. we can know the existence of a Supreme Being called God. just as we can behold the stars with the naked eye. In all ages men who had a full use of reason, have known by their natural powers the existence of God as th e First cause and Master of all things, the Ee- warder of Good. "But if we would know more about God and His perfections, we must do like the astronomer . who studies the firmament more closely by means of a telescope. This ex- trinsic aid religion supplies. by faith, accepting God's revelation about Himself. The earnest in- , quirer, though first impelled by reason, raises to fajth by the aid 1 of Divine Grace. No wonder. then, / that faith has been called the si.xth ' I sense of the soul, the substance I, of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This act af the intellect and Will enables the weary traveler to see t~e light I s~ining jn_, the darkness, the light of J esus Christ.

"Moreover voice of con- science confirms this truth. Both ancient and mod-ern history bear testimony to the conviction of all nations that homage is due the Diet y. That indeed without it . justice cannot exist on the face of the earth. Says St. Augustine, the great Doctor of the Church, 'Without Justice, states are noth- ing else than large bands of rob- bers, as bands of robbers are nothing else but little states'. "Since justice then is the foun- dation of the state and religion the foundation of justice. it fol- lows that religion is a necessity. "Logically, too, he who ignores the obligation to practice religion ignores the demands of a rational creature. The man without reli- gion is like a_horse witho1tt a driv- er, a mariner without a compass Without religion there is no mor- ality. There c an be no peace. The Atheists and would-be re- formers, who ig:noring God and ' His eternal laws, clamor for peace, are sowing the seeds of discord . "Take this old example. If God were to s~nd His angel to any one o_f you this evening and tell you that you coulct have two gifts and only two, and that they would be infallibly granted, what two gifts would you ask for? After think- ing it over, you would say to the angel, 'Tell ·the Good God that I ask Just for Supreme Happiness and secondly, that this Supreme an eternity of it. God could grant no more, and the rational creature, from the very essence of his na- ture, could ask no less. "This is precisely what God has promised you for a short lit tle span of knowing Him, loving Him and serving Him. God is still the God of nations. Whosoever at- tempts to dethrone Him a ttempts to undermine the fabric of our Civilization and bring ruin upon society. It is the history of the world and we have ample evidence of it today, that when wicked men plot to overthrow a government, they first endeavor to undermine religion. the Happiness- be eternal'. "Supreme happiness and

"Dearly beloved brethren of the clergy and laity, and friends all, permit me, at the very outset, to voice heartfelt appreciation of the warm welcome you have given me, a welcome not only reverent, but sympathetic and affectionate. Al- ready I ):lave learned that the priests of the diocese of San Diego are distinguished for self-sacrifice and zeal. rt is no wonder, then, that the flocks committed to their ' care are well organized groups of sterling c~tholicity-doers of the word. "It was a grand sight, this morn- ing, to see more t11an 600 young people of the Catholic Youth Or- ganization assembled in the ca- thedral to express their loyalty and devotion by the fervent reception of holy communion, to weave about themselves, their pastors and bishop, garlands of f~ith, and hope, /[ and prayer. "This beautiful land of sun- shine and flowers and mountain peaks that seem to kneel in prayer. This haven of generous loving hearts-noted for faith in action- I stirs my soul to its depths and in - : spires ·me to repeat the plea of 1 Solomon in the book of Wisdom- I I 'God of my Fathers and Father ' of Mercy, give me wisdom that sitteth by the throne. Send wis- 1 1 cfom out of the Holy Heaven and I ' from the throne of Thy Majesty that she may labor with me, that 1 my works may be acceptable, that my ways may be corrected upon earth and I may learn in all things I to please Thee.'-IX. May that prayer find a response in all my listeners as we r eflect on an etern- al truth. Ca~se of Unrest "My subject this evening · is ·neiLher new nor circumscribed. It concerns every h uman being. It t ouches t he cause of much of the unrest in the world today. It an-

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