Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


EIGHTY JUNIORS RECEIVE IN BODY SUNDAY MORNING: ADDRESSED BY BISHOP AT BREAKFAST . l Led by their uniformed drill I---~ -------.--. team, eighty members of the Jun- garty,. v._ F .. a~d the Callforma . state Junior chairman, Mrs. Irene ht f A

Appointments of the Most Reverend Bishop +

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S Detweiler, of Compton, Calif. Other guests of honor at the 0 h,Y b1·eakfast included Mrs. Elizabeth Collins. state 1_·egent; Mrs. Jose- phme Bombad1er, state vice re- . nable to attt'nd the Knights of 8 Cclumbus m-eeting last evening, cathedral. bccau~e of his trip to San Fran- cisco to greet Dennis Cardinal Dougherty and other prelates on Francis Bu d dY d Y un ay mornmg a His Excellency, Bishop Charles gent, Long Beach; Miss Emma th e Kirscher, fonner Teresi~a camr, their return from the Manila Eu- Mass a nd preached th c sermon, director of Los Angeles, Mrs. Ma- t'haristic Congress, His Excellency, later atten_ding th eir breakfast at guire and junior troop counselors, Bishop Charles Francis Budd th e Sequoia club, when he con- Mrs. Helen Cruse, Mrs. Rose Ra- will be present at the meeting o~ gratulatecl th e you~g girls on th cir vet, Mrs. George Jeremy, Mi•s the l cal ccuncil next Thursday sple nd1 cl organization. Marie Magi.iire, Miss Catherin.:: evening. Miss Virginia Maguire, presi- Pendergast and Miss Charlotte Memb rs of the senior court in ing, according to William Mahedy, guirc, senior court chairman for charge of the breakfast arrange- who reports that the program the juniors, presented the bishoµ ments included Mrs. Lillian Du- originally planned for last even- with a spiritual bouquet prepared plisses, Mrs. Francis Blethen, Mrs. mg was postponed until next week. for him by the Juniors. Other Katherine Phalen, Mrs. Teresa I speakers at the breakfast included Sullivan and Mrs. Genevieve Sul- the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. He- Hvan. celebrated large ct"OWd of Knights is rx- dent of the Junior council and Still. pected to be present at the meet- daughter of Mrs. Th'lmas Ma- ommuntioSnt 111 J a . osep s ______ an 1ego e ceived Ho! C . . b d D . 1 ca a cour . re- t

Sunday, March 7 - Ocean Beach-Mass at Sacred Heart church, 8 o'clock, the Rev. P. A. Connolly, pastor. Sunday, 1'-Iarch 7-San Diego-Our Lady of Guada- lupe church, closing of Mis ion, 5 :30 o'clock, the Rev. Damian Gobeo, A.R., pastor. Monday and Tuesday, l\farch 8 and 9-Fre no-Con- f erence v. ith Bishop Philip G. Scher. Wednesday, l\larch 10 - San Luis Rey Mission - Vi iting Franciscan monastery, the Very Rev. Angelus Bold, O.F.M., superior. Thursday, March 11-San Luis Rey Mission-Mass at 7 :15 o'clock. Thursday, March 11-San Diego-Knights of Colum- bus meeting at 8 :30 p.m. Friday, March 12-San Diego-Holy Family Sisters Convent, Mass, 8 o'clock. Saturday and Sunday, March 13 and 14-Ontario- closing of mission and dedication of new Uplands church of St. Joseph. Mass Coram Pontifice, 8 o'clock, the Rev. J. R. Nunez, pastor. Sunday, March 14-San Bernardino - St. Bernar- dine'~ church, the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, rector. Tuesday, March 16-Redlands-Sacred Heart church, Rev. Laurence Forristal, pastor. Wednesday, March 17-Coachella-Our Lady of So- ledad church, Confirmation, Rev. Jo eph Hill rec- tor, 5 :30 p.m. Thursday, l\Iarch 18-Palm Springs-Our Lady of Soledad parish, Rev. Thomas Lehane, pa tor. By Order of the l\Iost Rev. Charles Francis Buddy Michael J. O'Connor, Secretary.

Beach Parishes to Have Visit From Bishop I His Exce11ency to Celebrate l las~, Be Present for Reception Sunday Ocean B ea ch and Mission Beach parish10ners of Sacred Heart pari Ocean Beach, will ~c ,u,1-,, u .::, u.. ay mo b • their b'.;hop, His Excellency, the Mo,t R v. Charles Francis Buddy, I D. D.. who will celebrate the 8 o'clock Mass and preach the ser- mon. Following Mass, the R v. P. A . Connolly, pas~or. and his parish- ioners will honor Bishot> Buddy , with a breakfast-reception. The breakfast and reception will be held in the Ocean Beach Wo- men's clubhouse. near the church, where the women of the parish I are making elaborate plans for the morning recepti-0n. Residents of the beach districts attenc! Sacred Heart church in Ocean Beach.

Bishop Buddy and Seniors


Senior students at Our Laciy or Peace Academy persuaded His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, to pose with them for a picture on his first visit to Villa Montemar last week. They are hown in the beautiful Italian g rdens. Reading from left to right !,.back row), Emilia Ibarrola, Blanche Mora, Lucille Brun.. ner, Marta Guajardo, Frances Robichan, Bishop Buddy, Claire Teichman, :Marian Collins, Margaret Ann Holler, Ellen 1\olondlock, Geneva Martindale; (front row), Virginia Barton, Mar~aret Lyons, Janice Hahn, Becky Torrey, Beverly Manzer, Betty Clarke, Lois Baumstarck and Betty ormile.

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