Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)



Mexicans of City Greet Bishop at Close of Mission Mexican city greeted their new bishop and talk- 1 ed to him Sunday evening at the national Mexican church of the city, that of Our Lady of Guada- lupe. The occasion was the clos- ing of a week's mission, His Ex- cellency, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy being present to give the final Benediction and to speak briefly in Spanish to the parishioners. Bishop Buddy spent the after- noon at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish and was the guest of the Augustinian Recollect priests of 'the city at dinner in the monas- tery preceeding the evening devo- tiQns. 1 The parlshioners wer~ please.:! to be able to speak to their bishop in their own tongue and greatly moved at his interest in their l welfare, according lo the pastor, the Rev. Damian Gobea, A. n.. • Knights Organixe Class to Honor Bishop Buddy Geo. Brer eton in Charge Of "Bishop Buddy Class" Initiation Soon Deputy Grand Knight Bereton, membership chairman of the San Diego Council Knights of Colum- bus. announced that the mem- bership campaign for the Bishop Buddy class is in full swing and tl;lat the class promises to be the largest held in the history of the local council. An invitation is issued to a!l eligible CaU1olic men to take thi:; opportuni.y of applying for mem- bership in the Knights of Colum- bus. Also, men who have droppert uut in the past few years have an unprecedented opportunity to re- instate and become active again. The next class is namert in hon- or of Bishop Buddy and it is planned to hold the initia,Jon in the very near future. people of the

pointments of the


Most Rev r

His Excell ncy, the :\fo t Rev. Charles Francis Bu cty, D.D., will confirm hi first cla s nex· Wed- nesday, St. Patrick' Day, a Coachella, Califorrna, in River- side county. The Rev. Joseph H.ll i:; pastor of Our Lady of Soledad parish and the Conf1rmat:on hn . been prepared for the Sacramen, by the Society of Mi s10nary Ca- techists.


Thursday, March 11-San Diego-Knights of Colum- bus meeting at 8:30 p.m. Friday, :i\-larclt ,12-San Diego-Holy Family Sisters Co1went, Ma s, 8 o'clock. Saturday and Sunday, l\Iarch 13 and 11-0ntario- closing of mi 0 ion and dedication of new Uplands church of St. Joseph. Mass Coram Pontifice, 8 o'clock, the Rev. J. R. Nunez, pastor. Sunday, March lJ.-San Bernardino - St. Bernar- dine's church, the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, rector. Tue day, March 16-Redlands-Sacred Heart church, Rev. Laurence Forristal, pa tor. Wednesday, March 17-Coachella-Our Lady of So- ledad church, Confirmation, Rev. Joseph Hill rec- tor, 5 :30 p.m. Thur day, March 18-Palm Springs-Our Lady of Soledad pari h, Rev. Thomas Lehane, pastor. Sunday, March 21-San Diego-St. Joseph Cathedral 8 o'clock Ma , , Y.L.I. Communion followed by breakfast at El Cortez Hotel. Father Vito Pi- lolla, Holy Rosary Church... 7 :30 o'clock Benedic- tion. By Order of the I\ ost Rev. Charles Francis Buddy Michael J. O'Connor, Secretary.

Large Crowd Met Bishop at Beac Reception Following the celebration of 8 o'clock Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Ocean Beach, Sunday morning, His Exccliency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy was hon- ored at a breakfast and reception 1 in Ocean Beach Womrn's club- house, which was alt nded by the entire parish. The bishop was escorted into the church and to the breakfast by the I Knights of <;olumbus' uniformed drill team. I The Rev. P. A. Connolly. pastor of the beach parish, introduced Bishop Buddy and welcomed him, as did Thomas HU"h"S for the men of the parish and Mrs. Fling for the Altar society. Little Jac- quelyn Marshall and David Elsey presented the bishop with bouquets of flowers. Bishop Buddy spoke informally to the three hundred who gathered for the breakfast, telling of many experiences in the east and closed with a request for prayers that he might serve his people well. I Following the breakfast those present were given an opportunity I of meeting the bishop and talking with him.

CONFIRMATIO CL.ASS STARTED THIS WEEK IN ST. AN E'S P ARISH A Confirmation class is being or- ganized in st. Anne's parish by the Rev. Nicholas Zabalza, A.R., in preparation for the first Sunday of May when the sacrament will be admirustered in that parish by His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D. The regular devotions honoring st. Anne in that parish have been changed to Sunday evening during Lent. Regular Lenten devotions are held on Wednesday and Friday evenings.


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