Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Impressive Figure in Vestments.

ful T'V rd,' kno n for hL gre me s of mind and J kiutlne ·· of man1 er He inaugurated Catholic hi,..h .ehoob nd promoted Chrbtlan education. ''.Iy dear friend', you are wltne~ es that while each one of his predeces- sors completed an effective program according to the plan o the Almighty, Bishop Johannes by a life of personal sanctity and progressive achieY ment measured up to each and to all. '·The very motto ,on his coat of arms 'Deo Senare Re~nare E t'- to :erYe Got! is to reign-indicated ti.le motive of his regime. Be it said to the honor of tlte Catholicity of LeaY- enworth that priests anti people took up the note of their bishop's zeal. The sons of Ignatiu · and the sons of St. Benedict. Franciscans, Cannelites. Au- gustinians. the great religious or,lers. the bulwarks of the Kingtlom of Christ on earth-the Sisters of Charity, Bene- dictine Sbter,; of St. ScholastiC'a ·s. l Si ters of St. Francis. Ursulines, Sis- ters of St. Joseph, Oblates, and Sisters I Serv:mts of :\Iary-all worked hand in I lland with the secular clergy for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, letting their lig-hts shine that the people see_ing might glorify their Father in Heaven. "It is not necessary to recount the material monuments 1hat follow Bish- , op .Johannes, the schools and churches erected uncler his direction, for these are but corollaries of a fervent apos- tolate. Like St. Paul he was all things to all men, but the orphans, the poor, the halt and the lame will grieve most at his passing. I "It is true that the "'ard High School with its splendid cunicnlum and its enrollment of six hundred stu- rlents; the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; the organization of the Prop- agation of the Faith with its far rcadiing pari«h branche'<, Lo extend the H:ingdom of Goel on earth, these are indeed enduring vrnrk:;. 'J'here are generations still unborn who will thank God for the fen·ent promotion by Bishop Joh:>nnes of the Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin l\fary to protect the Faith and morals of the young and to foster devotion in the acad- emies anrt high schools of the diocese. career or Bl. hop John

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"But greate,;t of all b

prelate' immortal apostolate of_ the noor lw e tabllshing in eYery pan. I! a conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Societv. Already we pray he has mer- ited to hear from the SaYiour 'I '·as !nwg 1 y ancl you ga ·e me to eat. I ~as thir .. tr und you gave me to dnnk. naked antl ou clothed me. a. stranger anu vou took me in.' "-'lule other shephenls of LeaYenworth may. be J·nown a pioneer organizer. exec:utn·e, educator, Bishop Johannes ~nll be hailed as the apostle of chanty, and in this he harmonized all the elements or his yast diocese. . ". Iv clear sorrowing people, m_en d1_e, hut the Church lives on. She !Ives m the hearts of loving, loyal childr~n. Bishop Johannes is dead, but the rn- fluence of bis !He still lives and throl)s to increase your Faith and to wa_rm your hearts with love for Jesus Chnst. "And so dear Bishop .Johannes. hero of my youth, and inspiration of later years, my devoted friend. farew~II. In our own halting way we have tried to imitate the consoling messages by which in your day you lifted the hearts of thousands in af[liction. . "For me and for many a pnest ):ou have pointed a better way-solvmg onr tlifCiculties gently leading us along the path of the Cross. "Your consecrated hands b~ve re- laxed their hold upon the Cr_os1ei: and are now folded in prayer. significant of the rest you des;erve so well. The miter haR been lifted from yom· brow and in its place you are crowned anew with the dual coronet of suffer- ing and victory won. Your gold toral cross and your episcopal 1 mg have lost none of their lustre a!1d the virtues symbolized in your life by I I these jewels will shine as the stars I for all eternity. "While we an confident that_ not death but life eternal has claimed you, yet Holy Mother Church _bicls uc; to pray for you. May our glonons St. Patrick, whose feast day you always honored receive you at your coming. l\lay the Poor Man of Assisi with the thousands of your flocks who have gone before us, gr eet you at the port- als o[ Heaven. May the Immaculate Mother o[ Goel who cherishes ever y fervent recitation of your soul stirring Hail Mary, may She, the Queen of Apostles, lead you to the vision of God."


Bishop Johannes in his episcopal vestments was al- ways a striking figure. He is shown here dedicating the church at Shawnee, Kas., assisted by Father Anthony Dornseifer of Holy Name parish, Rosedale. This week Father Dornseifer acted as presbyter assistant at two succe~sive Pontifical Requiem Masses for the funeral of I the b1shop.-Catholic Register Photos.

WILL LIVE ON AS CHARITY APOSTLE. "With this haclq~round it is no won- I der that the elevation of Father .Jo- hannes to the episcopate rejoiced the Church of God. His advent to the diocese of Leavenworth was greeted by a loyal and enthusiastic priesthood It mattered not whence he came no; how obscure-sufficient that he was sent by Rome. This authority unites the see of Peter with the see of Leav- OOll"Orth and again manifests to the world the four marks of the Chureh- one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic. "Here in Leavenworth there was placed on the shoulders of its fifth bishop the heavy burden of glorious traditions in the records of his illus- trious predecessors. The pioneer. .Bishop Miege, zealous missionary of the Society of Jesus, laid the founda- tion and in the construction of this magnificent Cathedral b11ilded more wisely than be ln.1ew. The learned Benedictine, Bishop Louis ;\1ary Fink, known as the organizer, saw the divi- sion of the original diocese. "Eminently successful was the brief but constructive administration of Bisliop Thomas F. Lillis, now the Yen- erable and nationally esteemed bishop of Kansas City. Under his jurisdiction religion took on a vigorous growth. • New congregations were founded and new churches and schools dotted the hills. He revised the diocesan statutes to conform with the decrees of the third plenary council of Baltimore and s rengthened the religious edifice by till' formation of Catholic societies. I "Then followed the long and frnit-

Five Bishops of Province Conduct Last Rites.

The final absolution ceremony over the casket of Bishop Johannes as it stood in the sanct uary of the Leavenworth Cathedral Wednesday morning. Bishop Thomas F. Lillis of Kansas City and Bishop Francis J. Tief of Concordia, two pf the five bishops who officiated, are shown seated near the casket. Archbishop John J. Glennon of St. Louis was celebrant and the other bishops were: Bishop Charles H. LeBlond of St. Joseph and Bishop Christian Winkelmann of St. Louis.-Catholic Register Photos.

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