Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Bishop To Take Part In Holy Week Services

THREE HouRs ARRANGED FOR GOOD FRIDAY Cathedral, St. John's Church And Our Lady of Guada- lupe to Have 'Tres Ores' LARGE CHOIRS TO SING Bishop Buddy to Take Part In Holy Thursday, Good Friday Service For the first time. Holy Wert: services in San Diego will be par- ticipated in by a member of th, hierarchy, for His Excellency. Bishop Charles Francis Buddy. D. D., has signified his intention. not only of presiding at the bless- ing of Holy Oils on Holy Thms- day and taking part in the Threi- Hours Agony services at St. Jo- seph's Cathedral on Good :,?riday, but of pl"esiding at the ceremony of the "Washing of the Feet of the Apostles" held annually at Our Lady of Guadalupe church 01 · Holy Thursday at 3 o'clock. Three Hours of Agony service~ will be held on Good Friday in three parishes, that of the Cathe - dral, St. John's church at Lincolll and Normal streels, and of the national Mexican church, Our Lu• dy of Guadalupe, 19th and Kear- ney streets. Starting at 12 o'clock, the devotions will be held unlil 3 o'clock, in the usual manner with the seven devotional sermons and meditations being interspersed by the choir's singing of "The Seven Last words" by Dubois. His Excellency, Bishop Buddy. will assist the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V. F., and priests of St. Joseph's parish in conduct.Ing the Three Hours at the Cathedral. The large Cathedral choir. direc t- ed by Dr. Rosenberg, with Royal A. Brown at the organ, will sinr, a special arrangement of Dubois' "Seven Last Words.'' The Rev. J. B. Cotter, pastor of St. John's church, will conduct the Three Hours servicei; at St John's. Edwin A. Thill will direct the singing of "The Seven Last Words." while Mrs. Herney wiH preside at the organ. Priests of the Augustinian Rec- ollect order will assist the Rev. Damian Gobeo, A. R., pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church, in the holding of the "Tres Ore" services. The same musical score used in the other churches will be used at Our Lady of Guadalupe church, with the choir being di- rected by Cosme Acosta, fame .: baritone, who was forme,.ly from the Milan opera.


IA, FRIDAY, MAR H 19, 1937


Public Invited by Knights to Att nd Bishop's Reception M. D. Goodbody Heacls Com- mittee in Charge of April 4th Banquet San Diegans of all dtnomina- lions and from all walks of life have been invited to gather at R dinner and civic recep tion to be given in the San Diego hotel Sun- day evening, Apr. 4, to honor the Most Reverend Charles F . Buddy, D.D., newly appointed Bishop of the San Diego diocese. Reception and dinner is under the auspices of the Knights of Co- lumbus. Arrangements are being made by M. D. Goodbody, who has been appointed by William P . Ma- hed:y, Grand Knight, as general chairman. Those who will assist Mr. Good- body are : Cy Hebert and Charles Mortz, In charge of ticket sales; Matt Gleason and George Brere- l ton, in charge of entertainment ; Mike McGann, Nick Martin and Frank Dunn, committee on seat- ing arrangements and reception, and ushers chosen from the Sar.. Diego Council Uniform Patrol un- der the leadership of Michael J . Reynolds. Bishop Buddy, who recen' ly came to San Diego from St. Jo- seph, Mo., has been the honored guest at numerous public func- tions in recent weeks. The com- ing reception and dinner has been designed to afford the general public, both Catholic ar.d non- Catholic, an opportunity of meet- ing the new Bishop. Tickets for the dinner may be secuted from Mr. Mor.z, telephone l Frank. 5872. Reservation,<- should be in at an early date as only a limited number may be accommo- 1 dated .

Appointments of the Most Reverend Bishop +

Thursday, March 18-Palm Springs-Our Lady of Soledad parish, Rev. Thomas Lehane, pastor. Sunday, March 21-San Diego-St. Joseph Cathedral s· o'clock Mass, Y.L.I. Communion followed by breakfast at El Cortez Hotel. Father Vito Pi- lolla, Holy Ro~ary Church. .. 7:30 o'clock Benedic- tion. Holy Thursday, March 25-San Diego-9 :30 o'clock, St. Joseph's Cathedral, Mass and Blessing of the Holy Oils. Good Friday, March 26-San Diego - St. Joseph's Cathedral, Mass of the Presanctified; 12 to 3 o'clock, Three Hours Agony Services. Easter Sunday, March 2'8-San Diego-St. Joseph's Cathedral, Solemn High Mass. By Order of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy Michael J. O'Connor, Secretary.

I Bishop to Speak At First Public Affair Tues. 18th Will Address Kiwan·s on Annual R e 1 i g i o u s Program Day Speaking on the special signifi- cance of Easter, His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, will address the Kiwanis club at a luncheon meeting next Tuesday noon in the Don room of the El Cortez hotel. Tuesday's program. falling as it does in Holy Week. is set aside by the local organization each year as their recognition of Kiwanis International's objective of supporting the churches in their spiritual aims.


The Rt. Rev. Msgr. .John M. Hegarty, V.F.. rector of St. Jo- seph's Cathedral has been asked by the Kiwanis club to be present I at the luncheon and to present Bishop Buddy. Msgr, Hega.rty will be honored by the business men's organization for the civic works ·he lias accomplished in San Diego in the past. 1 Dr. Frank Lowe, pastor of the Central Christian church, is pr:i- gram chairman for the day. He will also present the Bonham Brothers Boy's Band in a concert of religious m,.1mbers.

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