Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


1~ BISHOP BUDDYTO PONTIFICATE AT FIRST EASTER MASS SUNDAY AT ST. JOSEPH'S CATHEDRAL • autiful Easter r Iusic Prepared by hoirs in Each Parish for Sole nn High Easter l\Ia' e Musical Prologues Prepared Eas~r Sund:i,y. the glorious fectival of tbe resun·e<'tion of Our Lord from the dead, finds the San Dieg-o diocese a full fledged principality of the Church, a unit replete, and for the first time Holy Week services and the celebrating- of Solemn .Mass on the principal feast of the aceles.iastical year will find His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., prl'sid- ing. Bishop Buddy will pontificate at the 6 o'clock Solemn High Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral Easter Sunday morning, assisted by the R t. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V. F., pastor of the Cathedral parish . •1d other priests of the city, A second Solemn High Ma.,s will b') held at 12 o'clock noon in the Cathedral with His Excellency, Bishop Buddy, presiding. The joyous character of the feast. besides being reflect~d in th,' · adorning of the Altars with beautiful flowers, will be shown in the b~autiful Easter music prepared for singing at the High :Ma5ses in all the parishes. St. Joseph's Cathedral choir will be direc'ed thL; Easter by Nino • I rcclli, with Ro}al A. B ·own at the con.sole f the organ. The mu- sical prelude preceeding the 6 and 12 o'clock Solemn Masses will be started one-half houi~ before the opening of Mass. Organ music wi!) be played at the 8 and 9 o'clock Low Masses by Marguerite Erzinger a the 10 and 11 o'clock Low Masses by Dorothy Louise Jenkin:-;. Bene- diction service following the noon Mass will conclude the Easter cere• monies at the Cathedral.




Pre idio Hills mu~eum. named af•rr Fa her Se1Ta, v·a., t which the SU- penor of the Franci can Order on the Pacific coas was celebrant. The park is the ift to the clty of San Diego of Georgt' "'· Iar;;ton, who has been distmgm

The statue of Father Serra ha'> dedicated m 1929

Thi:' ,cv. Matthew Thompson, chapl, in of San Diego Council, Knights of Columbus, who is aid- ing in plar..s for the banquet holl- ering Bl hop nuddy, April -1. SP SCOTT, ROSENBOROUG TO SPEAK HERE Well Known rnig·hts Among Speakers at Banquet Honoring Bi ·hop Joseph Scott. Knight of SL Gregory and nationally known Catholic laynnn from Los Ange-1 !es. and Joseph J. Roseborough of Oakland, California state deputy of the Knights of Columbus, will be among the speakers at the civ- ic banquet and reception to be held lly the San Diego council Knight..s of Columbu on Sunday, Apnl 4, in l onor of His Excel-

een placed near the Sen a rross. ·ust off the main ~treet in Pre-, idio Park. where the first cro<

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cial ble."smg wa gn·cn J. Shea w 10 comp1 and dace ed it so succe sfully. l

1 d he dl •nm•' ber of the Kmghts of Columbu.; " ,. . for many years. hann~ become a member of the order m St. Jes- commfn ed on eph, Mo., in 1909. He served as

Bishop Buddv

thP coloring and f:roup!no-s n nd chaplain of 9o was especially plra<-ed • t the sin - m:rnber of years before coming to mg of the lamentations betw~. 11 San Diego. The bishop's father the act, which feature \·as I- was a charter member of the Mis- rected b-: Francisco de Leon. He souri council and sen·ed as grand congratulated John Hayes. S~.. kmght and district deputy there. :Michael Gleeson and Jo rph Ovi- aiding in the organization ot a•t on their excell nt portra •ab. many councils in that dist1ict. M. D. Goodbody is chairman of that council for

ood Friday, :March 26-San Diego - St. Joseph's Cathedr al, Mass of the P r esanctified; 12 to 3 o'clock, Three Hour s Agony ervices. Easter Sunday-San Diego-4 o'clock, Ble s statue of Padre J uniper o at Pre idio Hill. Tuesday, March 30-Coachella-Confi rrnation. Rev. Father Hill, pastor. unday, April 4-San Dieg0-2 :30 o'clock, Confirma- tion at t . Patrick' church. Rev. J . A. Daley, 0 . .A., pa tor. 5 o'clock, Little Flower club, Our Lady of Angel, parish hall. 6 o'clock. an Diego hotel, Knights of Columbu banquet. . fonday, April 5- Ded Mar hotel, retr eat for priesL of the Diocese of San Diego. By Order of the l\Iost Rev. Charles Francis Buddy Michael J. O'Connor , Secretary.

:h~ committee arranging details for the success of the banquet. Mr. Goodbody is being assisted by a large committee of members and or the council chaplain, the Rev. I\fatthew Thompson. Reservations should be phoned to the Knights of Columbus hall.

STUDENTS OF PHILOSOPHY HOLD RECEPTION AT SAN LUIS EV ISHOP BUDD On his fir-..t tour about the dioce:oe. His Excellency. B'shop Charles Francis Buddy has been entertained at a great variety of reception'. One of the most intere't- ing and scholarly of these was that giYen in hi:; honor on visit to the l\Ii"ion an Luis Rey, where the Fran- ciscan order maintains a part of their novitiate. There, young men studying for the priesthood, pre- sented scholarly papers. Prepared by the student~ of hilosophy, the program was academic in character. Ad- dresses were giwn by Frater Benvenute. O.F.:i\I., Frater .1. Toel O.F.l\L, and a di~cu'sion on "God: The Great De- ~jo11~r" was given by Frater Rain~r and Frater Kilian. Three numbers were sung by the choir. FO


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