Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

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I' , Bishop Blesses Statue on _Historic Site

PAPAL KNIGHT [0SPEAK HERE SUNDAY NIGHT . Catholic and Non-Catholic Invited by Knights to Attend Banquet Joseph Scott. Knight of St. Gregory, will be the principal speaker at the dinner and civic reception to be given for the Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy. D. D., in I the Pompeiian room of the San Diego hotel at 7 o'clock Sunday evening, April 4. Scott will come from Los Angeles for the affair which is under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus. San Diegans, both men and wo- men, are welcome to make reser- vations for the dinner by call- ing the secretary of the Knights, Charles Mortz, F-5872. M. D. Goodbody i.c: in rharge of arrangements, having been ap- 1 pointed by William P. Mahedy, Grand Knight. Assisting are Dr. Mary J . O'Brien and Joseph I Green, escort to Bishop Buddy; Cy Hebert and Charles Martz in 'U'"'" of til'ke's: Matt Gleason and George Brereton who are I l planning a fine program of en- tertainment; Mike McGann, Nick Martin and Frank Dunn, commit- tee on seating arrangements and reception and Michael J. Reyn- olds who will choose ushers from the San Diego Council Uniform Patrol. Bishop Buddy has been mucb feted since his arrival as head of the San Diego diocese. This re- ception will give the general pub- lic, both Catholic and non-Cath- olic an oppor:unity of meeting the new Bishop. The Honorable S i r

The thrilling story _,r San Uiego' s birth was retold in Serra park on Pre- sidio hill Sunday afternoon when His Excellency, Bi hop Charles Francis Buddy blessed a statue of Padre Junipero Serra. Bishop Buddy stands before the mi- crophone near the statue. To the left of the bishop is seated the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral. By his side is Anton May- rhofer, oldest parishioner of the Cathedral parish. At the extreme right of the statue is Percy Broell, park superintendent and master of ceremonies. The Serra statue, done by Arthur Putnam, was one of the three historical figures completed by the sculptor before his death. I Statue of Serra Reconsecrated By Bishop Buddy

Father Turibius, O.F.M., De- livers Principal Address On Historic Significance "It is fitting that we g-ather 01, Easter Sunday to erect and bles.« a statue in honor of him who worked so unselfishly to save his ace from ruin-fitting ta t we should do this on Easter Suna v, the day of Resun-ection to a. new life, for it was here that the dy- ing hopes of the Spaniards took on new life and energy and hen, the birth of a new civilization was started in California," the Rev. Father Turibius, 0. F. M., super- ior of the Franciscan seminary at Santa. Barbara, said Sunday aft- ernoon at Presidio Park as hun- dreds of San Diegans gathered tc witness the blessing of the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy. bish- op of San Diego. of the &tatue of Padre Junipero Serra.


The statue had just been moved I to its new location at Lhe head of an earthen ampitheat€r that was the location of Father Serra's first chapel in California. His Excellency, Bishop Buddy, spoke briefly following the bless-

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