Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)



FRIDAY _ PRIL 23, 1937

uncla: April 25 to May 2, 1937

ARMY, NAVY, MARINES TO ATTEND MASS Iemorial Day Services To Be .Most Elaborate Ever Held in San Diego the most outstanding Memorial Day services ever held I in the history of San Diego and certainly the most elaborate un- der Catholic auspices here will be held Sunday, May 30, at the Nav- al Training Station, when a Sol- emn High Field Mass will be cele- brated at 10:30 o'clock. Every man stationed at San Di- ego, both ashore and afloat, of the Army, Navy and Marine corp will be present at the Mass. according j to plans made this week. by Cam- I mander Frank Lucke!, executive officer at the Naval Training Sta- tion, Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V. 1 F., Rev. William. Maguire, chap- I lain at the Naval Training s•a- , tion and A. V. Mayrhofer. Hise Excellency, Bishop Charles, Francis Buddy, will preach the' sermon at the Mass, A large choir directed by Nino Marcelli, with Royi.l Brown at the organ, is be- 1 ing planned. Both the Marine ar-1 ' , Navy bands will be present to play I and an elaborate procession will I precede and follow the service. One of

I Bishop Buddy Pays Tribute to Benedictine Order in Sermon at Blessing of New Abbey Superior At the Solemn Blessing in Con- ception. Missouri, of Conception's from which the Great Shepherd new Abbott, the Right Rev. of the flock wlll expect a harvest Stephen Schappler, on Wednes- of increase. day, April 1. His Excellency, His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, of San Diego, IC. H. IA:Blond, bishop of St. Jo- who preached the sermon, likened seph, officiated at the blessing, as- the ceremony to a wedding, slsted by two Abbots. Several wherein a portion of Christ's Bishops and a number of abbots flock is entrusted to its Abbott. were included in the nearly 200 He traced from the heights of members of the clergy present at Monte Cassino and the Rule the ceremonies.

Appointments of the Most Reverend Bishop

which St. Benedict wrote and practiced there, the source of the "unfaltering Benedictine tradi- tion" of the apostola~e. which finds re-echo in the present cere- mony. The Dialogues, wherein Pope Gregory the Great related the chief events in the life of St. Benedict, found another echo, the speaker said, in the Divine Come- dy of Dante. Bishop Buddy also pointed out the Pioneers, Abbots Frowin Con- rad of Conception and Martin Marty of St. Meinrad, Bishop Hogan of St. Joseph, Father Pow- ers of Conception, and the Con- ception Colony itself, whose la- bors, under God, made possible the joy of today. The speaker singled out for spe- 1 cial notice two dates, the begin- , ning of the Solemn Divine Office, December 25, 1873, r..d, the open- ing of Conception College in Sep- tember, 1883, who cuniculum, he said, is vouched for by the quality of its alumni, especially its alumni of the clergy who were present in I their strength for this occasion. He added a tribute to the good Judgment; and achievements of the retiring Abbot Philip, and to the program of study, toil and labor, to which the community is devot- ed. The ceremony of Blessing an Abbot, said Bishop Buddy. is a handing over to the Abbot by the Bishop in the name of the Church, the Rule, the Flock, the Crozier, the Ring, and the Abbatial Auth- ority, which are the five Talents,

SUNDAY. May 2-San Dieg<>-Mass at 8:20 o'clock nt st. Dida- cus church. Rev. Luke Deignan. pastor. 3 p.m.-Confirmation at St. Anne's clrnrch, Rev. Nicholas Zabalza, A.R., pastor. . h 7:30 p.m.-Confirmation at Immaculate Conception churc , Rev. Father James, O.F.M., pastor. MONDAY, May 3-San Diego-St. Joseph's Young People's club meeting TUESDAY, May 4-St. Augustine High school students debate. WEDNESDAY, May 5-Elslnore-St. Francis parish, Rev. John F. Purcell, pastor. . ASCENSION THURSDAY, May 6 - Riverside - St. Francis de Sales church, Mass and Benediction, 8 o'clock; evening de- votions, 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Peter Lynch, pastor. FRIDAY, May 7 - Arlington - st. Thomas' church, Mass, 8 o'clock, Rev. Michael J. Byrne, pastor. FRIDAY, May 7-Corona-St. Edward's parish, Rev. James O'Shea, pastor. FRIDAY, May 7-Arlington-St. Thomas, Rev. Michael J. Byrne postor. SATURDAY, May 8-Fontana-St. Joseph's church, Rev. Ma- lachy O'Sullivan. pastor. SATURDAY, May 8-Chino-Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, Rev. C. A. Kimmons, pastor. SUNDAY, May 9-San Bernardino - St. Bernardine's church. Mass at 8 o'clock followed by Confirmation. Solemn High Mass at 10:30 o'clock. Most Rev. Bishop, presiding. Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, pastor. 6 p.m.-California Hotel. civic reception and dinner spon- sored by Knights of Columbus.. MONDAY, May 10-San Bernardino-Holy Rosary church, Rev. Danie!'J. Ryan. TUESDAY, IUay 11-Redlands-Sacred Heart church, Rev. Laur- ence Forristal. pastor. WEDNESDAY, l\lay 12-Redlands- Mass. SUNDAY, May 16-San Diego-Pontifical Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral. SUNDAY, May 16--Point Loma.-Preside at Espirito Santo cele- bration of Portuguese people. SUNDAY, 1\-lay 23-Chula Vista-St. Rose of Lima church, 8 o'clock Mass, Rev. Francis Woodcutter. SUNDAY, May 23-San Luis Rey Academy, school play. MONDAY, May 24-San Diego-Nazareth House. SUNDAY, May 30-San Diego-10:30 o'clock, Solemn High Mili- 1 tary Field Mass at Naval Training Station. Preach Sermon. SUNDAY, l\Iay 30-San Diego-St. John's church. 3 o'clock Confirmation, Rev. J.B. Cotter, pastor. SUNDAY, June 6-San Diego-8 o'clock Mass at Our Lady of Sacred Heart church, Rev. Owen Hannon, pastor. 3 p.m.-Little Flower Club reception at our Lady of Angels hall. 6 p.m.-Third Order of St. Francis dinner and reception at Old Town hall. By Order of the l\Iost Rev. Charles Francis Buddy Michael J. O'Connor, Secretary.




WiJI Mark Largest Third Degree CJass Received In This Diocese days of chicalry when Knighthood was in flower will be ena~ted in San Diego Sunday, April 25. when 45 men will become members of the San Diego Coun- cil No. 1349 Knights of Colum- bus. This will be the largest class to be obligated here in many years. The installation of His Excellency, Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy as the first Bishop of San Dieg-~ has added new enthusiasm to th local council, for Bishop Budct· has long been an ardent knight md has given much of his un ir ing energy to the order. The class has been named the "Bishop Buddy Class" in honor o' His Excellency and in apprecia tion of his distinguished leader- ship. The

council. They have taken hold with the vigor of youth and are setting the pace for the older members in building what they hope to be the largest and most influential council in California. Former members of the coun- cil who desire to take part in the ceremonies Sunday may be rein- stated by giving their applications to Mr. Mortz before the regular council meeting Thursday night.


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