Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

VOL. .'X\ I-1 ro. 5

,'A~ DlEGO,

~--------- Tltousands Attend Catholic Ceremonies Sun

Sunday morning saw thousands of civilians and service personnel present at the Naval Training Sta- tion for a Memorial Day Solemn i'\filitary Field Mass, while Sunday afternoon other thousands were present in the southeastern part of the city to honor the Blessed Sacrament in a Corpus Christi J>rocession from Our Lady of Guadalupe church to St. Anne's church. Above is shown the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy as he approached the Altar at the Field Mass, where he presided and preached the sermon... He is at- tended by his chaplains, the Rev. J. T. Regan and the Rev. J.B. Cot- ter. In the background in his papal knight robes is A. V. Mayrhofer, lay official assisting in plans for the day. At right His Excellency Bishop Buddy is shown at the be- ginning of the Corpus Christi pro- j cession. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John lU. Hegarty, V.F., is shown carry- ing the Blessed Sacrament as the procession started from the door- way of Our Lady of Guadalupe church. (See stories on page 3) --Cuts courtesy San Diego Union

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