Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

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Nove111ber 6, 1936.

rs. Daniel J. Redmond, 131-28 ~29th Street, Laurelton, Long Island, New York. Dear Eileen:

Let me first thank you for your cordial birthday greetings and assure you that Helen was well remembered on her Anniversary. a shook and it is hard for me to realize it even now. Se- lecting an obscure, mediocre ma.n from an obscure Diocese does look like the will of God, and as such the correspond- ing graces to do the work set before me, let us pray, will not be wanting. It means responsibility and considerable work in organizing a new Diocesan Curia, but I have never shirked responsibility, although the time of life was fast advancing on me when a man naturally figures he is on the decline and would hardly last more than fifteen or twenty years at the most . My mind at the time was filled with plans for the new r:1arble Baldachino Altar for which we started a. cam- paign one month ago, but it now must be built by my successor here. There were other plans to beautify and improve the Cathedral which are not for me to fulfill. I had done some work on a parish prayer book and also had plans to build a Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in the yard. Evidently the Divine Architect did not care for me to realize these dreams. But, tha.nks be to God, my health is excellent - haven't even had a cold this fall and much of this seems due to the ideal vacation we enjoyed last summer in South Haven. At the same time I have realized that it will be necessary for me to cur- tail some of the activities that made up my duties here . The date for the Consecration has not yet been set. It may possibly be the twenty-first of December or perhaps later in January. Some of the Bishons already have advised me to select t11a.t date because so many will be leaving for the Eucharistic Congress the first of the year. The Con- secration, according to the Liturgy of the Church, should talce place on the Feast of an Apostle. My next move will be to journey to '7ashington to ay my respects to the Apostolic Delegate and learn what his ,ishes are in the matter. As indicated in my telegram yesterday, please complete plans to come to my Consecration and if Dan can Thia news that crune in Monday night was quite


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