Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

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CONSECRATION TO BE HELD IN NATIVE STATE Expected to Arrive Here Soon After First of January, Word RECEPTION PLANNED Has Been Cathedral Pastor At St. Joseph, Mo., for Past Seven Years Plans are already being formulated by various Ca- tholic organizations for the reception in San Diego of the 'NPry Rev. Charles F. B u d d y, who will arrive shortly after his consecra- tion the first of the year as the first bishop of the Dio- cese of San Diego. The St. Joseph, Mo., Ca- thedral parish pastor's seltc- tion as the spiritual leader of America's newest diocese was made known at the Va- tican late Monday and word reached the waiting San Di- egans on election morning. I Word has been received that the consecration of the newly ap- pointed bishop of San Diego will be held at the St. Joseph, Mo., cathedral shortly after January 1, and present to participate in the consecration will be His Excel- lency, Archbishop-elect John J. Cantwell, who himself will be for- mally inducted i:&to the archepis- copal office at St. Vibiana's Ca- thedral in Los Angeles early next month. Immediately following that im- pressive ceremony in the midst of his family and friends, he will leave St. Joseph, where for the past seven years he has been rec- tor of St. Joseph's Cathedral, and open a chancery office in San Di- ego, where his Cathedral parish church will be under the patron- age of the same saint, the spou~e of the Blessed Virgin. Prominent in the initial steps of the fonnulation of plans for a fit- ting reception for San Di~go':;; bishop are the Knights of Colum- bus, who are being joined by the Catholic Daughters, the Pan Pa- cific Jesuit Association, the Young Ladies' Institute and other organ- izations.

"And I Shall Be With You Always 11 l

The history of the Catholic Church is a story not only of growth, but of the centainities of growth. · :slowly, but surel!, she extends her domains over t~e hearts and consciences-and the barren space, as m the case of San Diego, where once the unbaptized savage held sway, is today a cathedral city. The hills and valleys over which Junipero Serra cast his eyes at the beginning of a new missionary enterprise is the center now of a diocese, and within a few months the Church's new bishop will rule over the Church's newest principality. Non-Catholics, as well as Catholics, in San Diego see in the appointment of the Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy as head of the San Diego See a continuance of that Catholic history that has given San Diego a particularly high place among all oities in the United States. It was here that California had its first Mass and its first martyr. It was here that the Faith jl firsit took root in California soil. It was here that the fount of inspiration for the building of Califor- nfa missions was preserved. And we may hope con- fidently that when the last vestiges of our civiliza- tfon shall be dissolving, the Catholic Church will have Jf._er final temple on the shores of the .Harbor of the Sun. It is not in a spirit of congratulation to Bishop- elect Buddy and to the Catholic people of San Diego, that The Southern Cross writes this brief editorial. It is rather in the spirit of humility and gratitude to Almighty God that in his direction of His Church He has seen fit to place His religion in San Diego dtrectly under the d:.:.:ection of a successor to the Apostles. The result of this must be a quickening of Faith, an extension of hope, a broadening of cha1:ity. And how great must be his joy, as, from the high battle- ments of Heaven, Junipero Serra and his devoted Franciscans who won their way to glc.ry through the hard way of their work in California, look down u,on the diocese that has come as the fruit of their labors in soil made blessed by their footsteps and sanctified by their blood.

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Bishop-elect Buddy

means a to Southern Califontia, for it has been his cus- tom frequently to spend vacation sojourns here, and during the summer of 1922 he was acting pastor of the Church of Nativity in Los Angeles. The Rev. Thomas J. McNamara, pastor of Mary Star of the Sea Church, La. Jolla: who will celebrate his Silver Ju- I Charles F. Duddy Named Bishop Of San Diego (Continueer 19, 1914. La"her, he returned to st. Joseph ·and b~came secretary to the ven- ei;able and beloved Bishop Fran- o-'.s .@ilfilan. In 1929 he was made rector of the cathedral. Doctor Buddy, famed as a hu- 1,nanitarian, e.stabl:shed in St. Jo- seph in 1932 a home for destitute men , and won wide support throughout Missouri for the char- itable enterprise, through which he was determined to allow those he helped to retain their self-re- spect while receiving aid. H's work aroused favorable comment among welfare authori- ties, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. He alw has been director of stranger

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1936 NOV 5 AM 5 36



I mi~sion work in the diocese of St. Joseph and is a member of the bishop's council.

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