2019 Response

are processed and placements are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage applicants to apply as early as possible. If you are applying after the final deadline, please contact the GSV staff to inquire about possible openings. The Haitian Project, Inc. PO Box 6891 Providence, RI 02940 401-351-3624 development@haitianproject.org w haitianproject.org L @THPspeaks CONTACT: Reese Gordin AFFILIATIONS: Roman Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: The Haitian Project through its support of Louverture Cleary School, a tuition-free, Catholic, co-educational secondary boarding school in Haiti, provides for the education of academically talented and motivated students from Haitian families who cannot afford the cost of their children's education in order to maximize their potential and enable them to work toward building a Haiti where justice and peace thrive. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Volunteer teachers at Louverture Cleary School in Haiti. AREA OF SERVICE: Louverture Cleary School, Croix des Bouquets, Haiti LENGTH OF SERVICE: 10 months (August through June) REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's Degree or comparable life experience, commitment to Catholic Social Teaching, willingness to live and work in community. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: $300 monthly stipend, approximately $20 in-country monthly food stipend, one round trip plane ticket to Haiti from home, up to $200/month reimbursement for medical insurance, $300 resettlement assistance upon completion of service. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Dorm style - shared rooms with fellow volunteer or Haitian staff member (separated by sex), common kitchen, living and bath areas. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Eight to twelve volunteers per year. TRAINING: Four-day US Orientation, four-week in country orientation, including language training and teaching seminars. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Early Action Deadline: Applications emailed or postmarked by November 1st. 2nd Round: Applications emailed or postmarked by February 15th. 3rd Round: Applications emailed or postmarked by April 1st. However, The Haitian Project (THP) will continue accepting applications until all positions are filled. Hands-ON + Hearts-IN 800 N. Fernandez-B Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5336 847-577-5972 x 233 sglumb@slw.org w slw.org CONTACT: Sister Sharon Glumb, SLW, Program Director AFFILIATIONS: Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: The purpose of the program is to assist women who are discerning a possible call to consecrated life (Sisterhood) through hands-on service to the needy and guidance from discernment experts who are Sisters. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Tutoring in schools, home health care, food pantry, thrift store, soup kitchen, home repairs, construction (roofing, flooring, painting, etc.), cleaning for elderly.

AREA OF SERVICE: Five northern counties of Mississippi (Tunica, Desoto, Marshall, Tate, Benton) LENGTH OF SERVICE: One week programs; May 7-11, 2019; May 21- 25, 2019' August 20-24, 2019; September 10-14, 2019. During 2019, dates for week-long programs will be posted on this website as they are finalized. REQUIREMENTS: Catholic women aged 18-50 years old FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Food & accommodations provided; travel to program is responsibility of volunteer. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteer House in Holly Springs, MS SIZE OF PROGRAM: 4-6 volunteers each week TRAINING: Initial orientation plus work site orientations each day; volunteers matched with skill level and capability. APPLICATION DEADLINE: One month prior to start of each scheduled program. Heart's Home USA 26 Olive St. Brooklyn, NY 11211 718-522-2121 natalia@heartshomeusa.org w heartshomeusa.org F facebook.com/heartshomeusa  @heartshomeusa CONTACT: Natalia Fassano, Director of Missionary Programs AFFILIATIONS: Roman Catholic GOAL OF PROGRAM: Our mission is to be a presence of compassion, as Mary was at the foot of the Cross. Mirroring the work of an artist, we want to walk with those whose hearts are wearied by loneliness, to offer the comfort and hope of God’s love through personal life-transforming relationships that reveal the beauty and dignity of each person. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Our volunteers live in places where there is deep suffering (slums and inner-city neighborhoods) as a ministry of comforting presence. Grounded in an intense prayer life, their mission is to say to each person they encounter: welcome home! You are not alone, and you are made for more. Heart's Homes can be found in the heart of some of the poorest neighborhoods in big cities around the globe. Living together in a simple house, every day the volunteers welcome the children and families of their neighborhood into their home. Through their hospitality, they want to love each person they encounter without condition, offering comfort and hope in the ordinariness of daily life. This is what allows them to build relationships based on mutual respect and trust with their neighbors and with those who are lonely or isolated in places of deep suffering (i.e. hospitals, prisons, orphanages). Offering their unconditional friendship and comforting presence, volunteers want to rebuild a sense of dignity in each person they encounter, especially those considered the poorest of the poor. This is what makes Heart's Home a bridge, a connection between families in need and local social services. Volunteers are also attentive to the needs of their friends, offering different kinds of support in a more personalized way. Most of all, this friendship is what allows us the grace to bring so many of our friends closer to Christ and His Church. AREA OF SERVICE: Americas: USA (Brooklyn), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Honduras, Peru, Uruguay; Africa: Senegal; Asia: India, Japan, Philippines, Thailand; Europe: Greece, Italy, Romania LENGTH OF SERVICE: From 14–24 months. REQUIREMENTS: Are you between the ages of 18 and 35, wanting to give at least 14 months of your life in service to God and those who are most abandoned? Are you in good physical and psychological health? Are you seeking God, ready to commit yourself to an intense and faithful prayer life? Are you ready to live with other young


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