2019 Response

TRAINING: Formation training will begin as soon as volunteers are accepted into the program. A site coordinator is present at each site, and the site coordinator will communicate with the volunteers during the spring. Volunteers will be provided with detailed information about their placement and their duties. Before leaving for Africa, all VLMs will meet in Chicago for a two day orientation. During orientation, volunteers will receive training on: Vincentian spirituality formation, tips and strategies for teaching English language learners, what to expect in Africa, and cross-cultural communication techniques. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 1st Vincentian Mission Corps 4330 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108 314-533-4770 mary.pimmel-freeman@doc.org w vincentianmissioncorps.net F facebook.com/VincentianMissionCorps L @VinMissionCorps  @vincentianmissioncorps CONTACT: Mary Pimmel-Freeman, Director AFFILIATIONS: Daughters of Charity of the Province of Louise GOAL OF PROGRAM: The mission of the Vincentian Mission Corps is to provide young adults with an experience of living in community and working with the poor in the spirit of St. Vincent DePaul and St. Louise de Marillac. It is our goal that these young adults, as they respond to the call of the Gospel by working, praying, and living in the Vincentian spirit, will develop a consuming commitment to improving the lives of the poor and marginalized in our society. While working directly with people living in poverty, Vincentian Mission Corps volunteers are called to deepen their faith, grow in charity, work for justice, celebrate life, and develop close bonds. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Education (elementary and middle), Mental Health services, HIV/AIDS services, Social Services and Poverty Relief, Homelessness, Social Work, Food Distribution, Tutoring and Literacy, Equal Housing, At-Risk Youth, Social Work, Faith-based community Organizing, Public Health. AREA OF SERVICE: St. Louis, Missouri LENGTH OF SERVICE: Ten and one-half months beginning in August. REQUIREMENTS: Single young men and women, ages 22-30, with a college degree or equivalent. Volunteers must be willing to live in community with other young adults and be humbly committed to serving the poor and marginalized. Written application, references, resume, and interview are required. Applicants who live in or have connections in St. Louis must be willing to make a firm commitment to living in a community setting. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room and board, small monthly personal expense reimbursement, transportation to and from the program, and medical insurance (if needed). LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Volunteers live in a furnished community house. Each volunteer has a small bedroom and shares bathrooms with other volunteers. Volunteers also share a communal kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry room, and chapel. We have community vehicles and bikes available as well. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Up to 8 volunteers TRAINING: Volunteers will participate in a week-long orientation and receive on-site training and supervision at their work sites. Frequent workshop, discussion/presentations and retreats will be provided for ongoing reflection and development. These sessions focus on living in community, social and economic justice, spiritual development, and developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of Vincent and Louise's love of the poor and oppressed.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Our application deadline is April 1st of each year. We will continue to evaluate applications after that time if there are slots available. Vincentian Service Corps West 25 San Fernando Way, Suite B Daly City, CA 94015 650-755-1633 vsc@vscwest.org w vscwest.org CONTACT: Sr. Frances Vista, D.C., Director AFFILIATIONS: Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul GOAL OF PROGRAM: Lets go make a Difference! The mission of the Vincentian Service Corps is to provide opportunities for women and men who want to serve those in poverty, live in community with other VSC members, and experience a simple lifestyle. While working directly with the poor, VSC members are called to deepen their faith, grow in charity, work for justice, celebrate life and develop close bonds. Service is geared to helping people help themselves. A year of service makes a lifetime of difference! TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Case work for shelters for the homeless, lead wellness classes, crisis counseling, coordinating health fairs, patient advocacy, outreach to the homebound elderly, work with physically and developmentally disabled, social work, teaching and teaching aides (elementary and high school), work with emotionally disturbed youth, work with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Fluency with Spanish is required for some positions. AREA OF SERVICE: Greater Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA. LENGTH OF SERVICE: 11 months. First week of August to last week of June. REQUIREMENTS: Single women and men ages 21 to 30. College degree or significant life/work experience. A commitment to service. Interview, application and references. A desire for a challenge and an ability to be flexible. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Room and board, Program covers community expenses. Work-related travel costs are covered. Possible student loan deferment for those eligible and AmeriCorps (if eligible). LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Members live in an intentional community with other VSC Members. SIZE OF PROGRAM: The program ranges in size. TRAINING: An initial one-week orientation program geared towards: building community, goal setting for the year, and an examination of issues such as social justice, lifestyle, spirituality, racial sensitivity, and cultural diversity. There is on-site training at each placement. Corps members gather four times throughout the year for weekend retreats and ongoing formation. Personal and community support is provided by community support people throughout the year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Placements are determined on a first-come first-serve rolling basis. Vincentian Volunteers Limited St. Matthew's Presbytery Worsley Rd., Winton Eccles, Manchester, M30 8BL, UK 0044-161-790-5765 susan.molloy@hotmail.co.uk w vincentianvolunteers.org.uk F facebook.com/Vincentian-Volunteers-UK-279911065409082 L @StVVolunteers CONTACT: Susan Molloy, Director


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