Best Of 2024

Home and Kitchen.































17081 Uno

17000 Rita

17344 Mysterio

17343 Muso

Grembiule con tasca frontale e cinghie di chiusura regolabili. | Apron with front pocket and adjustment straps. | Tablier en TNT disponible en différentes couleurs. Poche frontale et bretelles réglables TNT No-woven | TNT No-woven | TNT non tissé 50 x 73 cm

Grembiule. Ampia tasca frontale e cinghie regolabili coordinate. Nastro dietro al collo bicolore. | Apron in 100% polyester material cotton touch. With big size front pocket and adjustment straps in matching colour. With neck straps in bicolour design. | Tablier 100% coton 150g/m2. Disponible en plusiuers couleurs. Grande poche frontale et ruban bicolore sur la nuque réglable. Tc - 150 gr/m2 | Tc - 150 gr/m2 | Tc - 150 gr/m2 65 x 90 cm

Grembiule lungo con nastro in tinta sul collo e nastri laterali per allacciarlo in vita. Ampia tasca frontale | Long apron with matching ribbon on the neck and side ribbons for lacing. Large front pocket | Tablier de grande taille avec un ruban assorti au cou Poliestere, Cotone - 150 gr/m2 | Polyester, Cotton - 150 gr/m2 | Polyester, Coton - 150 gr/m2 65 x 90 cm

Grembiule lungo con nastro in tinta sul collo e nastri laterali per allacciarlo in vita. | Long apron with matching ribbon on the neck and side ribbons for lacing. | Tablier de grande taille avec un ruban assorti au cou Poliestere, Cotone - 150 gr/m2 | Polyester, Cotton - 150 gr/m2 | Polyester, Coton - 150 gr/m2 65 x 90 cm

150 gr/m 2



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