Best Of 2024

Fitness and Wellness.










49128 Noland Fascia tecnica da running in doppio tessuto | Technical running band in double fabric |

18093 Valdo

18092 Valda Asciugamano particolarmente adatto alla sublimazione. | Towel particularly suitable for sublimation. | Serviette particulièrement adaptée à la sublimation. poliestere RPET 250 gr/m2 | polyester RPET 250 g/m2 | Polyester RPET 250 gr/m2 70 x 140 cm

Asciugamano di produzione europea in tessuto scamosciato, particolarmente adatto alla sublimazione. Cucitura decorativa sul bordo | European-made suede fabric towel, particularly suitable for sublimation. Decorative stitching on the edge. | Serviette de fa brication européenne en tissu suédé, particulièrement adaptée à la sublimation. Couture décorative sur le bord. 88% poliestere RPET e 12% poliamide, 200 gr/m2 | 88% RPET polyester and 12% polya mide, 200 g/m2 | 88% polyester RPET et 12% polyamide, 200 gr/m2 80 x 155 cm

Bande de course en double tissu Poliestere | Polyester | Polyester 22,5 x 8 cm








18079 Oganessio

49112 Nogarole

Asciugamano bianco particolarmente adatto per la sublimazione. Un lato in poliestere e un lato in spugna di cotone. | Special white towel for sublimation. One side polyester and the reverse in terry cotton. | Serviette blanche spéciale pour la sublimation. Une face en polyester et l'envers en coton éponge. 45% Poliestere, 55% Cotone | 45% Polyester, 55% Cotton | 45 % polyester, 55 % coton 140 x 70 cm

Fascia elastica sportiva realizzata in morbida microfibra. | Elastic sport headband made of soft microfiber | Bande élastique en microfibre. Disponible dans plusieurs couleurs. Microfibra | Microfiber | Microfibre 23,5 x 6 cm



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