City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18

 CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY16-17 and 17-18  Finance (continued) Morgan Hill Ranch and Madrone Business Park  Worked with City Manager to address the City’s PERS pension and retiree health insurance (OPEB) unfunded obligations by establishing a Trust Fund, with Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) as Trust Administrator  At City Council direction, worked with the City's Economic Development Team in selecting the audit firm of DavisFarr to initiate an audit on Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) reporting and remittance ACTIVITY GOALS FY 16-17  Continue to support the City Manager and operating departments in monitoring and refining the 5-year projections of revenues, expenditures and fund balances for all major funds  Continue to work with DavisFarr and the City’s Economic Development Team to finalize the TOT audit and present the audit results to City Council  Continue to work with Information Services to refine reports within the financial accounting system  Continue to cross-train Finance teammates in various functions to ensure continuity of department operation and effective succession planning  Evaluate and implement automated fixed assets software to streamline the management and monitoring of City’s fixed assets FY 17-18  Continue to support the City Manager and operating departments in monitoring and refining the 5-year projections of revenues, expenditures and fund balances for all major funds  Continue to work with City’s Economic Development Team to manage and monitor TOT reporting and remittance  Continue to cross-train Finance teammates in various functions to ensure continuity of department operation and effective succession planning COUNCIL GOALS Finance (including Utility Billing) will continue to engage in activities that are aligned with the priorities, goals and strategies the City Council has set for 2016: Maintain Fiscal Responsibility  Continue to safeguard City’s assets and maintain and implement appropriate controls to ensure financial compliance with regulations  Continue City tradition of developing a prudent and balanced budget with effective long-term financial planning Participate in Regional Issues  Continue representation of Morgan Hill through participation in regional associations relating to Finance such as: League of California Cities, California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, California Municipal Revenue and Tax Association, Association for Government Accountants (AGA), and County of Santa Clara Finance Officers Group


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