City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18

 CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 16-17 and 17-18  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY16-17 and 17-18  Water Conservation [650-5760] ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Water Conservation Program works cooperatively with the Santa Clara Valley Water District on a variety of programs aimed at reducing water consumption. While the program typically focuses on long-term measures and approaches, as yearly consumption rates can vary significantly based on the temperature and rainfall experienced in the City, much effort was made in the past two years to respond to the drought and the Water District’s calls for mandatory conservation and water use reductions mandated by the State Water Resources Control Board. The State is currently experiencing a fourth year of drought and drought response activities have ramped up significantly. In 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted a mandatory 28% water use reduction goal that the City must meet and the Water District called for a 30% reduction. The City declared a Level 2 Supply Shortage on April 1, 2015 which limits irrigation to two days per week; prohibits the washing down of hard surfaces except for safety or sanitary reasons; prohibits individual car washing and pool filling; and shortens the required response time to eliminate leaks. Staff are now collaborating with the District and other marketing partners to encourage water customers to use less water and are responding to reports of water waste on a daily basis. The Level 2 status will remain in place until it is rescinded by the City Council. FY 15-16 ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Initiated drought response activities and led regional cooperative effort with the Water District  In calendar year 2015, supported the Morgan Hill community in conserving 968 million gallons of water as compared to 2013 consumption.  Presented new Water-Efficient Landscape Ordinance to the City Council and worked cooperatively with the Planning Division on staff training  Continued supporting turf replacement programs with the Water District  Promoted water conservation in the community through the sharing of literature, newspaper and newsletter articles, and direct targeted solicitations  Coordinated the design and construction of five new water conservation demonstration gardens  Led a regional task force on creating a new model ordinance for water use in new development  Administered the development of demonstration irrigation project at the Aquatics Center ACTIVITY GOALS FY 16-17  Continue supporting community water conservation  Monitor water supplies and respond to potential additional calls for conservation if drought conditions change FY 17-18  Continue supporting community water conservation  Monitor water supplies and respond to potential additional calls for conservation if drought conditions change COUNCIL GOALS Protecting the Environment  Water conservation activities directly protect the environment


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