City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18
CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY16-17 and 17-18 FY 2016-17 Combined Statement: Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance General Special Capital Debt Internal All Fund Revenue Project Service Enterprise Services Agency Funds SOURCES OF FUNDS Property Tax/Assessments 9,961,000 226,853 - - - - 648,299 10,836,152 Other Taxes 14,251,826 - - - - - - 14,251,826 Licenses & Permits 206,474 - - - - - - 206,474 Fines & Penalties 76,000 - - - - - - 76,000 Use of Money & Property 269,133 34,298 381,289 5,157 231,744 46,863 10,623 979,107 Other Agencies 472,744 8,993,682 98,541 - - - - 9,564,967 Charges for Current Svs. 8,958,220 6,240,436 11,311,510 - 26,730,832 9,671,195 - 62,912,192 Other Revenues 377,558 891,974 2,687,410 - 129,430 - - 4,086,372 Transfers In 1,627,581 424,760 1,370,370 674,143 4,486,833 939,145 - 9,522,832 TOTAL SOURCES 36,200,537 16,812,003 15,849,120 679,300 31,578,839 10,657,203 658,922 112,435,923 USES OF FUNDS Salaries 19,794,493 4,860,958 502,170 - 4,726,234 3,654,652 - 33,538,507 Supplies & Services 10,564,793 2,390,362 434,856 - 9,226,091 4,311,912 12,683 26,940,697 Capital Outlay 51,000 90,100 24,994 - 833,130 2,753,039 - 3,752,263 Debt Services 111,184 6,918,746 - 672,849 3,546,876 10,375 627,263 11,887,291 Internal Service 4,987,892 984,852 164,804 3,372 1,281,765 358,301 8,483 7,789,468 Transfers Out 2,274,330 1,081,436 631,570 - 5,464,776 70,716 - 9,522,827 Project Expenditure - 4,305,376 12,011,000 - 16,473,000 - - 32,789,376 TOTAL USES 37,783,691 20,631,829 13,769,393 676,221 41,551,872 11,158,993 648,429 126,220,429 SOURCE/USE VARIANCE (1,583,155) (3,819,827) 2,079,727 3,079 (9,973,033) (501,791) 10,493 (13,784,506) FUND BALANCE 7/1/16 16,964,796 8,786,925 36,113,603 1,032,439 32,013,567 9,646,758 2,274,730 106,832,818 PROJ. BALANCE 6/30/17 15,381,641 4,967,098 38,193,330 1,035,518 22,040,534 9,144,968 2,285,223 93,048,312
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