City of Morgan Hill Adopted Budget FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18
CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY 16-17 and 17-18 OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET CITY OF MORGAN HILL FY16-17 and 17-18 Summary of Expenditures & Transfer Out (continued) 14-15 15-16 15-16 16-17 17-18 Actual Amended Year End Projection Adopted Adopted Debt Service Funds 420 Civic Center Debt 337,502 $ 340,112 $ 340,196 $ 298,643 $ 297,423 $ 441 Police Facility Bond Debt Service 452,938 455,547 455,641 377,578 383,610 Total Debt Service Funds 790,440 $ 795,659 $ 795,837 $ 676,221 $ 681,033 $ Enterprise Funds 640 Sewer Operations Fund 21,147,491 $ 9,942,341 $ 11,613,663 $ 10,639,370 $ 10,742,171 $ 641 Sewer Impact Fund 5,883,371 14,633,850 14,685,032 4,624,144 11,533,016 642 Sewer Rate Stablization Fund 3,369 3,643 3,537 3,714 3,900 643 Sewer System Replacement Fund 10,081,294 3,340,282 1,348,903 6,815,291 6,087,933 650 Water Operations Fund 9,299,286 10,398,873 9,963,379 10,835,550 11,944,088 651 Water Impact Fund 956,642 5,541,237 1,848,943 4,541,410 774,134 652 Water Rate Stabilization Fund 524 603 603 632 662 653 Water System Replacement Fund 3,175,451 8,151,245 3,870,816 4,091,761 1,350,215 Total Enterprise Funds 50,547,428 $ 52,012,073 $ 43,334,877 $ 41,551,872 $ 42,436,120 $ Internal Service Funds 730 Information Systems Fund 945,358 $ 1,345,740 $ 1,264,726 $ 1,730,797 $ 1,473,508 $ 740 Building Maintenance Fund 2,857,659 3,241,539 3,066,178 2,999,474 3,038,848 741 Building Replacement Fund 289,283 267,737 162,928 1,088,700 356,500 745 CIP Administration Fund 1,489,728 1,702,079 1,667,347 1,820,194 1,869,109 760 Unemployment Insurance Fund 19,668 36,050 20,000 20,000 20,400 770 Worker's Comp Fund 628,203 1,048,570 675,477 792,948 808,807 790 Equipment Replacement Fund 695,224 1,998,161 1,566,761 1,161,569 575,111 791 Employee Benefits Fund 548,274 412,000 516,400 537,056 558,538 795 General Liab. Insurance Fund 867,521 1,072,279 873,133 1,008,256 1,059,920 Total Internal Service Funds 8,340,918 $ 11,124,154 $ 9,812,950 $ 11,158,993 $ 9,760,741 $ Agency Funds 820 Special Deposits - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 830 Downtown PBID - - - - - 843 MH Business Ranch 1998 AD Fund 1,152,108 858,565 802,293 287,412 733,397 844 MH Ranch Reassessment 2004 Fund 120 2,532 - - - 845 Madrone BP (Tax Exempt) Fund 745,260 742,131 722,531 308,851 660,531 846 Madrone BP (Taxable) Fund 109,042 105,700 102,934 52,166 81,603 881 Police Donation Trust Fund 360 - - - - Total Agency Funds 2,006,890 $ 1,708,928 $ 1,627,758 $ 648,429 $ 1,475,531 $ TOTAL ALL FUNDS 163,242,400 $ 193,314,379 $ 179,485,214 $ 126,220,430 $ 126,098,737 $
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