NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

10 May 2018

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during the week to transport workers back and forth to the island for extensive cleaning at clubhouse. Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Lots of work still needs to be done on the grounds, but confident “we’ll get there”, even if not before opening weekend. Some main worries are getting the steel pilings covered in the harbor and the sprinkler system. The concept for asking for team leaders is working good at getting work done. Membership Debbie Siwek Debbie wanted to thank everyone for getting 18 new member interviews completed in 1 month. John Prochaska wrote a letter requesting waiver of his work for pay obligation due to health reasons. Debbie Siwek make motion to approve permanent waiver, seconded by Scott Greenfelder. Motion Carried. Bob Mann wanted to go to non-boating. Debbie wrote letter explaining situation to him. R/C Calihan asked about posting a list of members in bad standing in the clubhouse. Debbie stated we currently don’t have any. Also is there a posted list of people on LOA? Debbie will get the list posted. Also discussed people who shouldn’t be coming to the club, including members who resigned in good standings. If member left in good standings, they are allowed to visit club as guest. Resignations: Dan & Sue Pienta Brad Pienta Mary Ann Lutz Jacob Rener

Dennis & Gale Koster Gary & Debbie Kohout P/C Jim & Rae Ann Whyard Courtney Watson Nicholas Watson Greg & Phyllis Freese Mike & Maureen Pusaterri Donna Glick Joe Lewandowski Tony & Wendy Serra Gerald Snowden

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