NCYC GMr Meeting Minutes

26 May 2018

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First Mates President Josette Campbell Josette Campbell Introduced new board. Mentioned basket to raffle. FM will be hosting a Bloody Mary bar at ABYA outing and breakfast the next day. Ancient Mariners President Archie Archibald Fund raiser scheduled for 7/14. Spaghetti and meatballs dinner and horse races. Discussed how it will work, followed by an auction. Cash donation for event are welcome. Presented check for $4000 for special Projects.

Recognition of Past Commodores Present

Cmdr. Randy Pagel

Elite Brigade Recognition

Cmdr. Randy Pagel

Members of the Month

Cmdr. Randy Pagel

Dennis Biel John Mantyk P/C Hugh Vestal Steve Murray Rex Oliver Don Shepperson Ron Braun Dave DuVernay Kim Medima Ron Kemp

Bev and Mark Schoen Tim and Paula O’Brien Colleen Braun

Introduction of New Members

Debbie Siwek

Good of the Order


Recognized P/C Klapec and Vicky for 50 years of membership. Linda Pagel ladies’ week announcement, Commodore’s cruise, spots still available. Edgerly, Smoke on the Water announcement. P/C John Dickson helping. Commodore Pagel recognized Jeff Edgerly for providing the club siding at his cost. P/C Denise Huntly announced Steer Roast tonight. Tom Altobelli, please put burgees on boat. Kathy Vicky taking over the paver program from the Swan’s. Discussed brick paver program. P/C Stroh announced nominating committee for 2019 BOD, lots of ladies on committee.

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