2020 GeoEx Catalog

�he world is more connected today t�an it has ever been.

Information (and misinformation) speeds from one side of the globe to the other in seconds, offering a sound-bite sense of life in other lands.Yet, as any traveler knows, it’s only when we swap virtual for in-person interactions that a place and its inhabitants truly come alive for us, that their varied beauties and challenges glide into focus and resonate. By physically stepping out of our familiar routines and confines, by opening ourselves to cultures and landscapes different from our own, we have the chance to make powerful—even life-changing—connections. This is one of the immense joys of travel, and one reason we at Geographic Expeditions (GeoEx) embarked on this great travel venture back in 1982. We hope the pages ahead inspire and intrigue you, and perhaps compel you to discover firsthand more of earth’s fascinating individuals and astonishing wonders.The assorted adventures you see, built with care from our own explorations and relationships, are just a taste of what’s possible with GeoEx.

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