The Gazette 1936-40


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland


facilitate them in the discharge of the duties which were contemplated when County Registrars were appointed. I have to thank my Vice-Presidents and my colleagues for their kindness and great assistance to me during my year of office, and I beg to move the adoption of the Report. Mr. Blake, (Vice-President), seconded the adoption of the Report, and the resolution was passed unanimously. Mr. Blake, (Vice-President), having taken the chair, on the motion of Mr. Charles St. G. Orpen, seconded by Mr. T. G. Quirke, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the President with acclamation. The President, having returned thanks, the meeting terminated. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. N.W.8.

the confidence of litigants; I think it is reducing the dignity of the office, and it appears to me, as I believe the facts would bear out if I had a suitable accountant to work out the figures, that the salaries of the County Registrar are more than discharged by the monies received as fees, poundage or otherwise on the collection of these decrees. If there is one thing more important than another it is that justice should not appear to be tainted or suspected. While the present conditions, as I see them, and I think I understand them, continue, it would be impossible to avoid in the mind of the ordinary litigant, the suspicion that he is not receiving fair play. I believe the Solicitor profession will be doing a service to themselves, and a still greater service to the public they have to serve by seeking a redress of the condition to which I have called attention. For one thing, it means the loss of a reasonable right of expectation that Solicitors might be appointed to the office of Sheriff. For another, it appears to me to be placing on the County Registrars, duties not in keeping with the dignity of their office, and not likely to

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