The Gazette 1936-40

[JANUARY, 1939

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland


33. Defence Forces (Pensions) Amend ment). 34. Oireachtas (Allowances Imposition of Duties (Confirmation of Orders) (No. 2). Statutory Declarations. 38. Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. N.W.8. 37. to Members). 35- 36. Pigs and Bacon (Amendment).

Slaughtered and Detained Animals (Compensation).


23. Industrial Alcohol. 24. Presidential Establishment. 25. Finance.

26. Old Age Pensions. 27. Telephone Capital. 28- Expiring Laws. 29. Public Servants (Continuity of Service). 30. Dairy Produce (Price Stabilisation) (Amendment). 31. Insurance (Amendment). 32. Red Cross.

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