VWC Style Guide


Rev. 02/24


The VWC Style Guide provides direction and clarity on how the Commission communicates its messaging both internally and externally. This guide helps streamline communications, define commonly used terms and stay consistent in messages to ensure quality, accuracy and consistency. VWC follows the Associated Press AP Stylebook, with the following exceptions and/or guidance on organizational style specifics. In addition, this guide includes confirmation of some AP Style guidelines for terms that are often confused, recently changed by AP and some of the VWC’s more commonly used terms and acronyms. If you have a suggested addition or a question, please email VWC’s Outreach Services Department here. VWC also has a Brand Guide, maintained by the Outreach Services Department. It offers a comprehensive foundation of graphic design standards, communication guidelines and best practices when visually representing VWC’s brand across all mediums. The VWC Style Guide and Brand Guide are intended for use on all VWC information, communications, forms, documents and guides, with the exception of Judicial writings. Judicial staff is to use the Citation, Hearing, and Review manuals, rather than the Brand and Style Guides for Judicial writings. System changes to align with this style guide will be planned for implementation.


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