VWC Style Guide


Rev. 02/24

Hyphen Use hyphens only when not using them causes confusion. For example: in-person hearings. Think of hyphens as an aid to readers’ comprehension. If a hyphen makes the meaning clearer, use it. If it just adds clutter and distraction to the sentence, don’t use it. Do not use a hyphen Form 16A, Form 17A or Form 61A. Do use a hyphen for 20-Day Order and 30-Day Order. I Inc. Use the AP Style by NOT placing commas around Inc. For example: Minnesota Life Inc. will be presenting. Injured worker Once an injured worker files a claim, they are then called a claimant. Do not use the term “employee.” They are a worker, injured worker, or a claimant. For EDI specific data requests, the EDI QA Department will use the IAIABC terminology in their notifications. In-person Use hyphen. Incorrect: in person Internet Should be lowercase except at the start of a sentence. Insurance Carrier vs. Insurer Use the term insurance carrier, not insurer. The VWC Style Guide is intended for the Commission’s way forward. This guide should be referenced and used for all VWC information, communications, forms, documents and guides, with the exception of Judicial writings. Judicial staff is to use the Citation, Hearing, and Review manuals, rather than this Style Guide for Judicial writings. K L Lawyer Do not use the term lawyer, use attorney.Do not use the term lawyer, always use attorney. Lawyer is approved for use by Ombuds Department. Counsel is also acceptable for group/firm. J Judicial


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