DLI 1st grade guide

1st Grade Scope & Sequence

Unit 5

Language, Reading & Writing


March 10-Apr 24 30days


By the end of the unit students will be able to:

Key language use: Inform Explain

Inform and explain about a topic, using a source, providing facts and a sense of closure.


ALL learners, specifcally multilingual students will inform and explain by ● Introducing and defning topic and/or entity for audience through ○ Title, generalized nouns to introduce topic (The Desert, Lizards)

● Describe attributes and characteristics with facts, defnitions, and relevant details through ○ Compound sentences to add details (Birds like fruit and seeds. The river is long and deep) ○ Doing verbs to describe actions (eats, lives)


● Student Tasks from the Reading Writing Companion (RWC) ● Respond to Reading (RWC) ● Team created Common Formative Assessments (CFA) ● Oral response using Speaking and Listening Standards (SL)

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