CBA Record


damages exceed that amount, the court has discretion to order mandatory arbitration where the case is relatively simple enough. Cook Cnty. R. 25.3. The court may even sever claims from counterclaims, third party claims, and the claims of intervenors to send one party’s claims to arbitration. The order referring a case to arbitration can only be filed after an answer is filed (Cook Cnty. R. 25.3), giving a defendant an opportunity to move to dismiss meritless claims before the court compels arbitration. Arbitration Preparation Once the court enters the order referring the case to arbitration, the case remains with the judge for a short period so the parties can conduct discovery. Cook Cnty. R. 25.7(1). There are five critical dates to docket: the discovery cutoff, the deadline for prehearing submissions, the arbitration hearing, the date by which to accept or reject the award, and the post-hearing case management conference. The discovery cutoff occurs 120 days (60 if expedited) after the referral order. Cook Cnty. Ct. R. 25.3(d), 25.7(1). This gives the parties a short period of time to conduct discovery. After that, all discovery is automatically stayed until after the rejec- tion or acceptance of the arbitration award. Cook Cnty. R. 25.7(1). The arbitrator does not have the authority to rule on discov- ery disputes or bar evidence for discovery violations, so it is best to serve discovery as soon as possible after the referral order. See Cook Cnty. R. 25.7(2). The arbitration hearing will be held approximately 150 days (90 if expedited) after the referral order. Cook Cnty. R. 25.4. Thirty days before the hearing, the parties are required to have a meet-and-confer to exchange a detailed statement of the case (which includes the legal and factual issues involved), witness lists, documentary evi- dence for the arbitration hearing, proposed stipulations as to facts or law, reports, affidavits, or summaries, and an itemiza- tion of damages claimed. Cook Cnty. R. 25.8(a)-(g). The parties should also take advantage of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 237(b) to compel the opposing party to produce witnesses or original documents

at the hearing. Ill. S. Ct. Rs. 237(b), 86(e). The itemization of damages required under Rule 25.8 should avoid general language that might pass muster in a com- plaint and instead should present a road map for the arbitrator’s award. The parties should treat the Rule 25.8 statement of the case like their opening statements, and be sure to include the following: explain who the parties are; establish the legal relation- ship between the parties, including who was supposed to do what; describe how that legal relationship was breached or not fulfilled; avoid a detailed recitation of the evidence but refer to exhibits; and finally lay out your client’s recoverable dam- ages. Be sure to choose and submit your exhibits as you would at trial or summary judgment: tabbed, labeled, organized, and limited to what is relevant. What to Expect at the Hearing Hearings are limited to four hours. Cook Cnty. R. 25.9(1). Expect the first half hour to be used for a prehearing conference. At that conference you should identify your witnesses, tell the arbitrator how much time you need to present your case, how much time you need for opening statement and closing argument, and whether there are any stipulations. Have your exhibits premarked and bring enough copies for the witness, the arbitrator, yourself, and opposing counsel. Attorneys should note that the arbitrator cannot compel docu- ment production or bar evidence based on violations of the discovery rules. Nor can the arbitrator continue the arbitra- tion to another day. Only the court can continue an arbitration with a showing of “exigent circumstances.” Cook Cnty. R. 25.14. After opening statements, begin your presentation with your own witness (as opposed to calling an adverse witness). Witnesses cannot appear by phone. Make sure the arbitrator can follow the arc of your case and can follow along with the exhibits. While arbitrations are less formal pro- ceedings, objections under the rules of evidence are permitted. That being said, witnesses should lay a proper foundation for exhibits, and attorneys should not ask


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