Education Administrator Job


An essential part of union organising to develop new and active members is to provide mentoring for them. This is about the development of the individual within the collective, about supporting colleagues in tough situations and helping them to reflect on planning and growing their effectiveness. The previous great success and popularity of the GFTU’s mentoring training is repeated again in this programme as two courses an introduction and a taking it further weekend.

EA33 Taking Mentoring Forwards

EA32 Introduction to Mentoring

2 day

1 day

This course is aimed at existing mentors and will share best practice across sectors and circumstances and broaden and deepen an understanding of the role as well as considering some of the latest theories and ideas about refining the work of mentors.

What does mentoring mean, how can it help our unions, what are the professional boundaries involved, how do we manage the time, what is the responsibility? An ideal course for new and interested potential mentors.


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