Education Administrator Job


EA34 Organising Workers, What Works?

1 day

Organised workers in unions are better off than those unorganised. But what does organising mean these days? We know it is a different model from the purely servicing model of trade unions, but is the concept we have used of an organising union enough? How can you organise unless you are able to educate? Drawing on international and local experience this school will seek to inject a renewed sense of what organising really means. The school is suitable for anyone in our unions keen to recruit and organise and sustain the activity of members. The Ethical Shop works closely with our wonderful ethical, eco-friendly and fairtrade suppliers. Visit our website: es-gftu.html

EA35/36 Annual Youth Festival

3 day

The GFTU Now has a good track record of creating events and spaces with young workers for young workers. At the centre of this programme are our annual Youth Festival. It’s a transformative event for many participants and you can see the lightbulb moments happening about the importance of trade unions as participative workshops, speakers, debates and performances engage participants in a powerful set of experiences. The festival is an ideal opportunity to get young members, with ages as defined by your union, into an environment that will hook them in as activists for years to come. Book early. EA35: 2017 April 7/8/9 Quorn EA36: 2018 April 20/21/22 Quorn


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