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This is the trade union movement’s management development qualification What will it cost? The GFTU Educational Trust subsidises this course, but some costs are necessary to pass on. For GFTU affiliated unions This ILM Management Development programme will cost £950 For non GFTU affiliated unions This ILM Management Development programme will cost £1500 This newly offered course schedule will commence in October 2017. A brief summary of the course content is given below;

EA57 Becoming an Effective Leader        

This short workshop explores the fundamental principles of leadership, how to set meaningful objectives to empower individuals and teams.

EA58 Coaching and

Mentoring in the Workplace                         

A workshop to develop coaching and mentoring techniques.

EA59 Understanding

Financial Management

Developing your understanding of financial information, developing financial planning and budgeting skills to control expenditure.

EA55 Understanding the

Management Role to Improve Management Performance 

2 day

EA60 Managing a Healthy and Safe Environment

This module explores concepts of leadership, developing self-awareness and personal leadership style, best practice in managing change and practical tools. There will also be an exploration of handling grievance and disciplinary matters and will explore fairness, procedures, ACAS Codes and the reality at work.

A workshop exploring the employees, managers and employers rights and responsibilities in the workplace and will consider managing stress and conflict in the organisation, providing practical skills for having difficult conversations and strategies for moving forwards.

EA56 Management

EA61 Managing Equality and Diversity in the Organisation


This module explores and considers effective management interpersonal skills for the workplace and how to manage meetings more effectively.

Understanding the law relating to equality and diversity, your company policies and what these mean in practice, it will also give you the practical skills to measure, monitor and build diversity in your area of responsibility. @GFTU1 GFTU ET


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