St John's Cathedral, Brisbane and the Anzac Legend

regimental colours , location of, floorplan, 3 ; in Cathedral care, 15; 9th Battalion, laid-up in Cathedral, 84 ; general, laid-up in Cathedral, 85, 85 Reilly, Virgil , artist of recruiting poster, 46 Remembrance , Shrines of, Toowong and Brisbane, 32, 33; Stone of, Viscount Montgomery, location of, floorplan, 3 Rogers, Chief Petty Officer Jonathan , heroism in HMAS Voyager disaster, 79 Rommel, General Erwin , in North African campaign, 75-76 Royal Brisbane Hospital , quarters named for Edith Cavell, 47 Russia , reference, 17 sacrifice , First World War, stained-glass windows, 37; of service personnel, unpopular Vietnam War, 67; embodied in laying-up ceremonies, 87 sailor/s , US Navy, in Brisbane, 63 St Martin’s War Memorial Hospital , building and history of, 11; in image background, 13 Salamaua , Digger carrying injured US soldier, 65 ; map location of, 71 Salonica , inscription on Maxwell Anzac flag, 25 Sangara , execution of Reverend Redlich, 69; map location of, 71 Scott, Sergeant Thomas , 9th Battalion Gallipoli survivor, at first anniversary Cathedral service, 87 Second World War , London Blitz, reference, 14; various Cathedral memorials, summary, 14-15; German air raids on London, 55; see also individual battles and campaigns by name Seffrin Crucifix , location of, floorplan, 3 ; detailed view, 78 Seffrin, Nickolaus , sculptor of crucifix given to Cathedral, 83 Serbia , reference, 17 Shellal Mosaic , location of, floorplan, 3 ; discovery of in Palestine, 49, 49 ; as preserved in Australian War Memorial, 50 Singapore , fall of, to Japanese, soldiers in Changi prison, 61 soldier/s , potential casualties in Gallipoli evacuation, 20; at Anzac Cove , 21 ; evacuation preparations, Gallipoli, 22; respect for General Birdwood, 23; Gallipoli casualties, 27; image of Digger before Union Jack, 27 ; recruits at Enoggera camp , 31 ; Australians in Ypres, 36 ; in stained-glass sacrifice windows, 37; casualties in Somme hospital, 38 ; cavalry charge, battles in Palestine, 49; fate of, following Japanese invasions, 61; comment on Diggers in Pacific operations, 64; Corporal ‘Bull’ Allen carrying injured US soldier, 65 ; Australians relax in North African desert, 77 ; 9th Battalion, parading in front of Cathedral, 86 ; presenting 9th Battalion colours in Cathedral, 88-89 South Transept , see Transept, South Sphinx, The , rock formation above Anzac Cove, 29 stained-glass , context, installation of, 7; windows commemorating First World War sacrifice , 34 ; windows commissioned by Cathedral, 36; Burlinson and Grylls, 36; The Old Contemptibles window, 40 ; Edith Cavell window, 44 ; Australian-American windows, 66 ; New Guinea Martyrs window, 68 ; see window/s; see also individual window names Star of England , troopship, 21 Stars and Stripes , US flag, depicted in Cathedral alliance windows, 67 stone , All Hallows, location of, floorplan , 3 ; significance of, 14; capital piece , 54 ; brought to Brisbane, 55; of Remembrance, location of, floorplan, 3 ; summary, 15; Second World War, 74 Strong, Reverend Philip , broadcast message to missionaries, 69 Suez Canal , defence of, First World War, 36; threat to repelled, Second World War, 76 Tapiedi, Lucian , teacher, death of, 69 Tedman, Commander Peter , comments on bravery/spirit, HMAS Voyager disaster, 79 Third Ypres , Battle of, 35, 35 Toc H , founding of, soldiers’ respite, First World War, 55 Transept, South , location of in Cathedral, floorplan, 3; First World War windows, location of, floorplan, 3 ; reference to windows, 14; Anzac flag, displayed in Cathedral, 16 ; All Hallows stone, location of, 55 ; New Guinea Martyrs window , 68 , 69-70 trench/es , Gallipoli, dead mules in, 22 ; exposing mosaics in Palestine, 49; Ottoman troops damage to Shellal Mosaic, 50 troops , landing Gallipoli, McInnes sketch , 8-9 ; see also soldier/s

Union Jack , flag, role in First World War, and at Gallipoli, 24; see also flag/s, Blue Ensign, Red Ensign, et al United States , entry into First World War, resisting Japanese expansion, Second World War, 46; importance of to Australia, Second World War, 62; military build-up in Australia, 63; sailors in Brisbane, 63 ; injured soldier, carried by Digger at Salamaua, 65 ; depiction in Cathedral’s alliance windows, 67 Vendetta, HMAS , in company with HMA Ships Melbourne and Voyager, 80-81 Verry, Sergeant Reginald , 9th Battalion Gallipoli survivor, at first anniversary Cathedral service, 87 veterans , comparison between Second World War and Vietnam, 67 Victoria , first settlement in, Anzac flag role, 22, 24 Victoria Cross , awards, Battle of Lone Pine, 18; see also medals and awards Vietnam , war, Australian and US involvement in, 67 volunteers , in ANZAC and AIF forces, 17 von der Marwitz, General Johann , comments on Diggers, Western Front, 36 Voyager, HMAS , disaster, reference, 15; Seffrin Crucifix, 78 ; collision with HMAS Melbourne, 79-83, 80 ; survivors after collision , 83 Walsh, Doris , nurse, attending Ron Middleton funeral, 58-59 Wasp, USS , aircraft carrier, torpedoed and sinking, 64 Western Front , chaplaincy preparations for troops, 31; military activities and battles, comparison with Gallipoli, 35; BEF and French military operations at, 41 Wilhelm II, Kaiser , German militarism, First World War, 39; comments on, origins of the Old Contemptibles, 41 Wilson, Sir Leslie Orme , Queensland’s longest-serving Governor, banner, hung in Cathedral, 87 window/s , Australian-American, location of, floorplan, 3 ; Edith Cavell, location of, floorplan, 3; Old Contemptibles, location of, floorplan, 3 ; New Guinea Martyrs, location of, floorplan, 3 ; stained-glass, context & installation of, 7; Cathedral, summary of, 14; South Transept, First World War sacrifices, 34 ; commissioned by Cathedral, 36; The Old Contemptibles, 40 ; Edith Cavell, in Cathedral , 44 ; A ustralian-American alliance, 60 ; unveiling of Australian- American stained-glass, 66-67; New Guinea Martyrs, 68 ; see also individual locations/names Woods, Reverend William Maitland , supervisor of Shellal Mosaic excavation, 49 World War I , see First World War World War II , see Second World War Ypres , Australian soldiers in, 36 ; various battles, 41

Tully , Australian Army jungle warfare training centre, 73 Turkey , military forces at Gallipoli, 18; relief map of, 18 ; Ottoman forces in Palestine, First World War, 49


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