2015 OMB Awards Review

Paoletti, C., and Esbensen, K.H., Distributional Assumptions in Agricultural Commodities— Development of Fit-for- Decision Sampling Protocols, (2015) J. AOAC Int . 98 , 295–300. http://dx.doi . org/10.5740/jaoacint.14-250 Wagner, C., Critical Practicalities in Sampling For Mycotoxins in Feed (2015) J. AOAC Int. 98 , 301–308. http://dx.doi . org/10.5740/jaoacint.14-235 Ramsey, C., Considerations for Sampling Contaminants in Agricultural Soils (2015) J. AOAC Int . 98 , 309–315. http://dx.doi . org/10.5740/jaoacint.14-268 Ramsey, C., Considerations for Sampling of Water (2015) J. AOAC Int . 98 , 316–320. http://dx.doi . org/10.5740/jaoacint.14-251 AWARD IN RECOGNITION OF TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE Selection Criteria The purpose of this award is for the Official Methods Board (OMB) to recognize a team, stakeholder panel or working group that has published a major document or other body of work that demonstrates a unique or particularly noteworthy level of technical and scientific expertise. The minimum criteria for selection are: a. The body of work includes major initiatives or technical guidelines accepted, completed or published within the last three years. b. The team has been instrumental in developing or modifying technical guidelines or method validation processes. c. The team product demonstrates significant merit as to the scope of the project, the involvement of a diverse and/or international group of stakeholders or an innovative approach to difficult analytical challenges. d. The award recognizes teamwork that enhances the reputation of the Association and fosters the mission of AOAC INTERNATIONAL.

Jo Marie Cook Bureau Chief Division of Food Safety Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (850) 617-7505

(850) 922-9110 Fax (850) 251-4645 Cell JoMarie.Cook@FreshFromFlorida.com The Conner Complex 3125 Conner Boulevard, Lab#3 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1650 www.FreshFromFlorida.com

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