(PDF) HK037-Main

Ex. 1294


1294 A small group of the Germany Post Office postal history items x 7, with stampless military covers, plus one USA post office cover from Shanghai to USA. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 1295 1901 (6 Feb.) A combination cover from Wuhu to California, USA. On front bearing overprinted ‘China’ on Japan Chrysanthemum 10s, tied by ‘SHANGHAI/I.J.P.O’ cds, on reverse with CIP Coiling Dragon 10c green, tied by bilingual ‘WUHU’ cds, bilingual ‘SHANGHAI/8.2.01’, ‘YOKOHAMA/14.2.01’ and ‘TACOMA/4.3.01’ transit, ‘PAID ALL’ in black circle, ‘OAKLAND/6.3.01’ arrival cds, fine. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500



1296 1907 (9 Oct.) A cover from Shanghai registered to Dresden, Germany, bearing overprinted ‘KITAI’ on Russian Arms type 4k, 14k and 70k, tied by small double ring ‘SHANGHAI’ Russian P.O cds, with ‘KOTSZHENBRODA/14.11.07’ arrival cds on reverse. Fine. Photo HK$ 1,200 - 1,500 1297 1918 (29 May) An incoming registered cover to Tientsin, on front bearing Russian Arms type 35k strip of 4 and large block of 20, on reverse with 20k in pair, both tied by the same Russian cancellation. With faint arrival cds on reverse. Photo HK$ 15,000 - 18,000

Ex. 1299


1298 1916 (14 May) A stampless Chinese Post Office receipt. Tied by the rare double ring ‘K.u.k. Marindetachement/Tientsin’ Eagle type Military cancel in red, overstruck bilingual ‘TIENTSIN’ cds. Fine. Photo HK$ 3,000 - 3,500 1299 Asmall collection of picture postcards, all bearing various issues of the Foreign Post Office stamps, and tied by different cancellation. Good condition. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000


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